I love to cook, you know. I do. I love food, I love trying new recipes, I love nourishing my family. But---and this may come as a shock, I know---sometimes I am just REALLY TIRED and I think to myself, "Aren't these people old enough to feed themselves??" The answer is "sort of," because left to their own devices, no one feeds ME, and that is sad. So when I was offered a review opportunity with the "suggestion" that I turn it into a "get your teens excited about cooking" angle, I was allllllll over it. They said "write about your kids getting excited about meal prep" but I heard "force your...
Offspring: ecstasy and agony Articles
Developmentally (in)appropriate
It may not make sense to those of you with "normal" kids, but we always have to do a little celebration around here whenever we see "typical teen" behavior, given that whole asynchronous-development thing that tends to leave my special snowflakes lagging behind their peers in various ways. So anyway, I had a touch of food poisoning or something, and Otto went out and bought me some crystallized ginger because he's sweet, and then Monkey took it upon himself to enhance the label. I tried to get mad when I saw this, because COME ON, really? But on the other hand, it made me laugh, because WAY...
Life lessons abound
I know; I know---we've been woefully short on amusing anecdotes here, lately. I'm falling down on the job. It's pollen season, you see, and so my head is filled with cement and when I am not working or being a terrible, horrible burden on my children (UGH MOM WHY CAN'T I JUST LEAVE ALL MY CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR AND NEVER EAT OR SLEEP, YOU ARE THE WORST) I am doing exciting things like telling my husband that I have a million things to do, but I lack the motivation to get up off the couch. Anyway! While I set this awesome example of productivity for my offspring, I am also working on helping...
Life is hard, and then you apologize
If some bizarre set of circumstances arose such that I could only say two phrases for the rest of my life and NO OTHER WORDS (wow, as the person my family regularly refers to as "she who makes with the many words," what a terrifying prospect THAT is), I don't even have to take time to mull over my choices. Without a doubt, the two most important utterances in the English language, to me, are: "I love you" and "I'm sorry." Most people have no issues with that first one. We could probably all use some work on the second one. I'm all apologies over at Alpha Mom, because I can't be mad about...
Because I’m the meanest
They say you should be careful what you wish for, you know. Sometimes I think I WISH MY CHILDREN WERE MORE SELF-SUFFICIENT and then... I have to learn how to let them be more self-sufficient, no matter what that looks like. It's kind of agonizing. Because if they would JUST... it'd be so much easier IF... but don't you SEEEEEEEEE...? Hell hath no fury like a control freak thwarted, is my point. But hey, my kids will be adults in just a few short years (hang on, I just need to breathe into this paper bag for a minute), and time marches on whether I like it or not. As scary as it is, I'm...
Sleeeeeeeeep, glorious sleep
Sleeping is my very favorite hobby. This is what happens when you never get enough of it, I guess. My kids don't get enough sleep, either. At least, one of them doesn't. The other one has a way of figuring it out, but try as I might to encourage a mind meld between the two of them, this talent doesn't appear to be contagious. Dammit. If you worry about sleep and your teenagers, come join in the angst with me over at Alpha Mom today. Spoiler alert: I don't really have any answers, but at least I'm very, very tired.
Crossing their furry little legs
It snowed this morning, which was Terribly Exciting. School was not canceled, however---SAD FACE---which was Terribly Disappointing. My poor, poor children, reared in snowy New England for the first half of their lives, complained that they would surely DIE on the school bus because of the tragic winter weather. There was an actual dusting of snow on the ground! THE HORROR!! Because we are suckers, Otto drove them to school. Tempting though it is to declare the kids the wussiest wusses of Wussville in the face of this Major Weather Event, that title actually goes to the four-footed family...
It’s gonna be quite the year
2015 has barely begun and already I can tell that it's gonna be a doozy. Why, we've already had January, Month Of Eternal Sickness, and now we're starting February, Month Of ZOMG PLEASE PUT ON A COAT. (You know how boys wearing shorts year-round is a thing? Here in Georgia, children facing 20-something-degree mornings but still refusing to wear a coat is apparently a thing. I am cold just looking at them.) It recently occurred to me that if Chickie opts to apply to school somewhere via Early Action, we could know where she's attending college before this year is over. Except that's...
These two things are unrelated
I am nothing if not inconsistent; I started writing here again and then I saw something shiny and wandered off. Or, more accurately, life happened and I realized I'd abandoned you again. I'm a jerk. I have no other defense. There's two things I've been meaning to share, though of course the more time that passes, the more I realize that they may be interesting only to me. NO MATTER! You will care about my Bowl Situation, yes you will, and also I can never resist the opportunity to point out when I have completely screwed up as a parental unit, so here we go. Matter the first: "You're fine!"...