Someone asked me the other day how long I've been gluten-free, and I couldn't remember. I ended up sounding like a complete moron, I'm sure (this would be different from the hundred other ways I normally sound like a complete moron...), with my response of, "Oh, you know, a bunch of years? Maybe 4 years? Wait, 5 years? 3 years? I MISS REAL PIZZA." [I just looked it up. 5 years!! Whoa.] It's been a long time, is all. And I feel better and my skin isn't falling off anymore and so that's all great. I appreciate not being a giant wad of eczema. In the beginning I tried my hand at various...
It’s not a regret, it’s an “experience” Articles
Here, I brought you this snow. It melted.
I wanted to bring you back something awesome from our trip to Breckenridge, but I realized after we got home that I brought back... nothing, really. I mean, I remembered the kids, but to be fair, we'd brought them with us in the first place and I figured the people renting out the house we stayed in might be mad if we left them behind. I managed to buy my children 0 souvenirs from our super fun family vacation week. Zilch. Nada. I DID want to buy them a couple of I GOT HIGH IN BRECKENRIDGE t-shirts that we kept seeing everywhere (it's nearly 10,000 feet, you know), but for SOME reason Otto...
I think he might be a cat
I keep trying to figure out how to tell you all of the cool stuff about our trip in some sort of logical way (i.e., in an order that makes sense, and also in such a way as to not sound like a privileged asshole, because HEY fun family vacation my dad paid for, that's some serious good fortune right there), and I still haven't figured it out. To at least begin, I figured it might be best to start to start at the end. Actually, first let's go to BEFORE we left, then we'll talk about what happened when we got back. Back when we decided to adopt Duncan, part of the impetus came from this...
We are windburned and jetlagged and happy
I promise I will actually write about our vacation... ummm... sometime. I will. Once I'm all caught up on the real work I have to do from being away for all that time. (Real Job Benefit: Having honest-to-goodness vacation time. Real Job Drawback: Having a giant pile of work waiting for you when you return from that work-free time.) We did all sorts of fun things in Colorado, and my life flashed before my eyes as I careened down a mountain, even. (Best part: Not dying!) While you're waiting, the good news is that after Breckenridge we hopped over to Denver to visit Kira, and ten people in a...
Please send oxygen
Greetings from the beautiful Rocky Mountains, where my family is gasping for breath, as one does on vacation in a place where there is a shortage of air. I was not informed that we'd be spending the first few days of our vacation with the equivalent of terrible hangovers, or I certainly would've had a lot more to drink so at least it would've felt productive having such an intense headache. Anyway, we're having our every-two-years-ly giant family gathering, and aside from the whole not being able to breathe thing, we're having a grand time. You can read more about our adventures thus far...
Go ahead, shimmy down the stairs
The first rule of the Internet is: You don't talk about the Internet. Wait. That's something else. Whoops! No, the first rule of the Internet is: You don't announce when you're going out of town, because surely someone in your Facebook feed whom you haven't seen in person since 1986 or some random blog reader who suspects you have really awesome socks will break into your house while you're gone, so pretend you're not traveling. (Socks? That seems improbable. As does some random robbing us, which is sort of the point.) Anyhoo. In the past I've always been sort of vague about trips because...
Life! And other stuff!
Remember when I used to write here all the time? No? Huh. Me neither. But I heard a rumor that it used to be so. You know, back before life chewed me up and spit me out as a humorless husk of crankiness. [HA! Just kidding. I'm TOTALLY CHEERFUL! I mean, most of the time. Some of the time. Occasionally. Look, I'm working on it. (No, really, I'm literally working on it. Like, old-school literally, not the new-fangled literally that makes linguists weep.)] Anyway. Stuff has been happening, I just haven't had the time to sit down and write about it because of reasons. (Those reasons include---but...
Almost like a horror movie
Last night Otto and I were lying in bed after a very long day. Usually that's when we have our best conversations, you know---side by side in the dark, chatting about nothing and everything just before we drift off for the night. But on those long, hard days, we just kind of sink into the silence and both try to pretend sleep is coming. "Well," I said, finally, desperate to find a bright spot before the inevitable next few hours of insomnia, "at least spring is coming! Listen to all of those peepers!"* It was true, the frog symphony outside was impressive, given how chilly it's been. If I...
Gravity sucks
I'm having one of those "Oh, we are getting older and saggier and falling apart" sorts of weeks. To wit: I finally got my hair cut! It looks great! But I'm astounded anew by how gray it is. (Does that seem weird? I didn't so much get my hair trimmed as I had it... de-bushed. Thinned/textured/layered, so that after the cut it was the same length as before but there was half as much of it. And for some reason the gray seems more prominent now. Because OLD. Fortunately I am saved from feeling completely decrepit by the fact that Otto just got a new pair of glasses, and for the first time he's...