Haven’t been hit by lightning yet! Articles

I just told my alarm clock to bite me

I did it. Made it through one! whole! week! at! my! new! job! Oops. I just blogged about having a job, so therefore I will now be fired. I should've been more careful. But you know, I heard about this sort of thing happening on the news, so it must be true. [Sidebar: I have a friend who once explained to me that every crisis on the news can be boiled down to one of two basic plots. If the story isn't "I want my baby back" then it's "why water can kill you." My friend is very wise.] Anyway... it's Friday night and I made it. I am still exhausted, but someday I'll adjust to my new schedule....

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You are so passive-aggressive

Hey, I met you halfway on the garbage thing. I relented and took it out last night even though it was cold outside and I was already in my slippers. And I do truly appreciate your help in making sure it was the trash itself and not a dying rodent hiding in my kitchen. Things smell better in there and I'm quite relieved. But do you think there might've been a better way to express your displeasure? Having a fellow choir member lean over and whisper, "Hey... I read your post yesterday... so... what kind are you wearing today?" when I'm trying to flip to the correct hymn and get into a pious...

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Are you there, God? It’s me, Mir.

I know I don't always turn to you when I should. And I know that sometimes I don't always make the right choices. Also, I tend to speak up only when I need a favor. I know. I'm working on it; all of it. I am. Now. I solemnly swear to take out the garbage first thing in the morning. Please, please, let that be the source of the smell in the kitchen. I know you're busy, and everything, but I don't ask for much. Um, okay, well, I ask for lots of things. But I would really, really appreciate it if it's just my garbage reeking and not a decaying rodent trapped in the wall. See you at church in...

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Epiphany, meet inspiration

I've been mulling over that last post, and I think I figured it out. Now I'm ready to reap the multi-million-dollar harvest of my brilliance. See, it turns out that all this time, I'd been wearing this dabbed behind my ears. It works great, by the way. But mix that with just a glimmer of hope and a hint of joy, and the result is more like this. And that, my friends, drives men wild. And it can be yours for the low, low price of just $19.95, plus shipping and handling! I know, I know. You're thinking, "But Mir? Does it really work?" Well, you be the judge. I'm wearing it right now! And tell...

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Role model, revisited

So, I'm still trying to decide if I have the moral fortitude, energy, and time to be a confirmation mentor. I've talked with the pastor, I've had a discussion with the young lady's mom (who is herself a mentor), and collected the training materials for review. I've decided to come at this decision with the seriousness and precision with which I attack all of life's big decisions. That's right; I've got a big cup of coffee, some chocolate, Alison Krauss blaring from the stereo, my wicked good slippers, and I'm ready to blog all of my revelations. What better way to make up my mind? I have a...

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Role model?

I've had quite a week. And it's only Tuesday! Now, usually when I say that, I'm slamming my forehead down repeatedly on the desk. This time, it's more like I'm pinching myself and waiting to wake up. Or just, you know, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Anyway. I got an interesting phone call this evening. Just one more piece of the unfolding mystery of my 2005. As I may have mentioned before, I'm pretty active in my church. However, I was not raised as a Christian, so sometimes I still feel like I'm not a proper member of the club. I know the password, but I haven't quite mastered the...

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Me and my boots, you dirty gutterbrains

My father is on vacation. Thank God. Just wanted to clarify. And when he gets back, he's not allowed to read this post. Or most of the comments from the previous post. Mkay? Thanks. That said, let's talk about the power of a great pair of shoes, my pets. Comments in the last post notwithstanding, it's not all about sex. (Sorry, guys.) I mean, sure, sometimes it is. The term F.M.B. came about for a good reason. Pair those puppies with the right short skirt, and the right toss of the hair and half a smile mixed with a partially-cocked (ha, cocked!) eyebrow... and the invitation isn't only...

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I should be at church right now, at pre-service choir rehearsal. Obviously, I am not. After going to bed at 10:00 last night and sleeping until 8:00 this morning, I woke up experiencing The Return Of Mysterious Fever And Also Feeling Like Ass. I stumbled downstairs and croaked to the children that we needed to get ready for church... then noted that my voice was shot and said nevermind, we're staying home. (Someday we can delve into why I feel more of a commitment to show up and sing than I do to just show up and worship, but not today.) Should I be worried about the little impromptu victory...

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The top-ten lists of the new year

Things I should be doing right now: 1) Packing up the Christmas stuff. 2) Cleaning. 3) Laundry. 4) Putting away laundry. 5) Determining whether that gargantuan pile of clothing sitting at the end of my bed is clean or dirty. 6) Going through closets. 7) Sewing capes (keep reading). 8) Having lunch. 9) Fixing my desktop computer. 10) Formulating my plan for the week. Things I actually am doing right now: 1) Listening to the CD of our Christmas concert that I received this morning (thanks, Rudy!). 2) Marvelling at the sheer amount of stuff my nightstand top holds, jenga-like, and wondering if...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


Quick Retail Therapy

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