... through the quarantine. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life has lost all mean(ing). Oh, hello! I was just slowly going insane on account of I've been home for approximately seven years and also in the... less than a month... since I last wrote, I've sewn somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 face masks. I would love to tell you I'm getting better at it, but instead I will tell you the truth, which is that I am getting better at swearing a little less each time the machine jams or I otherwise manage to screw up somehow, and most of the masks I make actually look like masks. So I guess...
What do I do all day? Articles
A little less funny, now
Haha, remember how a couple of weeks ago I was all WOOOO CORONAVIRUS I'M DISTRACTING MYSELF? Welp. I've now been "socially distant" for eight days (not that I'm counting...) and as of yesterday we've gone from "social distancing" to "mandatory shelter-in-place" so hooboy, I do like hanging at home, but I don't so much like the whole feeling-like-if-I-don't-we-all-die version of it. We now have local friends who are sick and waiting on the results of their COVID-19 tests. Shit, as they say, is getting real. 0/10, would not recommend. In the meantime, two out of four members of Casa Mir are...
Things to do during a pandemic
Apparently we're all supposed to be panicking about coronavirus and stockpiling supplies for the inevitable quarantine we'll all be under in very short order. As I already buy toilet paper by the case because I'm cheap, and because I'm asthmatic but also sort of a hermit, I find that freaking out about our eventual mass demise isn't occupying nearly enough of my time. Instead I am forced to burn daylight in other ways, which is fine because I like to consider myself a multitasker. These diversions may not work for you, but I share because I care. Use or don't. All I can tell you is that it's...
1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a worm war
I think I mentioned that Chickadee moved back home with allllll her stuff, and the idea is that she's taking this semester she should've still been in school to kind of decompress and tend to her health (HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA because 20-somethings are notorious for taking good care of themselves, amirite?) and figure out what's next, and then around May or maybe before (she said, trying not to sound too eager), she'll move back out to another apartment, taking all of this stuff with her. We'd cleaned out the attic, some, but let's just say that organization is not my darling daughter's strong...
The little blue car that could(n’t)
I just went back in my archives to see if I ever wrote about getting a new car a few years back, and apparently I did not. It was Chickadee's senior year of high school, and there was a lot of other stuff going on, and also I vaguely remember my ex making a snarky comment about it to me (which immediately sent me into a reflexive shame spiral of "I don't deserve nice things" because a traumatized brain is a complex and stupid thing), and so somehow, I never talked about it, I think. But: just before Christmas of 2015, Trixie, my trusty old Corolla, became Chickadee's very own car, while I...
Baked halfway into a coma already
Hello, and happy cooking frenzy before Thanksgiving! Just to give you an idea of how I'm doing: a few minutes ago the husband and I were having a positively RIVETING conversation about how to reconfigure our dining room to fit the approximately eight billion (slight exaggeration) people showing up here tomorrow, and upon its conclusion I headed back into the kitchen and took a deep swig of my coffee. Except I am lying; that's not what happened. What actually happened was that I brought the coffee cup up to my mouth and TRIED to take a deep swig of my coffee, and instead I poured coffee all...
If you give a Mir a basement
If you give a Mir a house with a basement, eventually the basement will experience catastrophic flooding, and everything will be terrible, and she will be sad and rent a dumpster and throw away tons and tons of ruined things. If she throws away tons of stuff, you'd think it would be easy the next year to pack up what's left and move 1,000 miles away, but---amazingly---she still has a ton of stuff and it takes forever. If it takes forever, once she moves she will actually be relieved to end up buying a house which has no basement at all, because no basement means she cannot 1) fill it with...
Back and even productive
My favorite thing to do after a trip---by which I mean, the thing I most often do just because I am a poor planner and also lazy---is to come home and swear at least twice a day that I'm going to unpack in just a little bit. I mean, I don't want to brag, or anything, but I have been known to leave my suitcase in the corner of the room, untouched, for up to a month. And really, I thought that was what would happen this time, too. Somehow, though, I was both so buoyed from our trip AND so excited to return home to my dogs and my own bed (is there anything better than that first night back in...
Win some, lose some (paint some, replace some)
Oh my goodness, it's been a week. Or two weeks. I'm not even sure. It all starts to blend together, you know? When last we spoke, I was enthusiastically embarking upon Project Rainbow, or---more specifically---the "simple" task of repainting the rockers from our front porch with some actual rainbows, and although it was slow going I knew I would triumph and be pleased. Well. At this point in time I definitely AM pleased, and one out of two isn't bad, right? I mean, look, they came out pretty okay: (That's not the front porch, by the way. That's the back porch, where I spent one gazillion...