Health is overrated Articles


Every parent who's ever had a sick, inconsolable child knows the helpless feeling that comes with not being able to fix your baby's pain. Likewise, every parent who's ever had a sick child who was too sick to go to school but not quite sick enough to just sit down and watch cartoons, already, knows the helpless feeling that comes with not being able to drop that kid off at school already. GUESS which one I had today! Go on! Oh, it was fine. He was fine. It's funny; I had the most entertaining discussion with Susan about our mutual frustration over how it is possible for the SAME child who...

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Food, legos, leaks, and tuberculosis

You already know that when my folks are here, we do exciting things like watch endless hours of CSI: Miami. But obviously we cannot do that while the children are awake, because David Caruso is inappropriate viewing material for impressionable young minds. They would have nightmares. So what did we do while the kids were around? Well, mostly we fill the time with eating. Sure, you might think, "Really, now, how much time could you spend eating?" And the answer is: Almost all of it. There are meals, of course, but then also there just seems to be endless amounts of snacking, not to mention...

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Maybe I should’ve taken a nap

Given that I had Chickadee home from school today (Day Three of Mystery Fever: Just like the other two days!), it was actually pretty productive around here. Work was completed. Dishes were washed. Exercise was... exercised. Yes. I exercised. Day One of the New Regime. The New Regime is brought to you by the letter S (for sloth) and the number 5 (how many pounds I gained over the holidays) and also the last few times I was sick and how a nagging little voice in the back of my mind may have suggested that I wouldn't get sick so often if I was in better overall health. I made sure Chickadee...

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Redefining healthy

So Monkey has a cold, and as it goes when Monkey gets a cold, it grabs him and throttles him and he is miserable for about two weeks. And just when I'm starting to think about pinching his head between two or three fingers to stop the whining, I come down with the same cold, and then I lose the will to do, well, anything. But today was Monkey's rescheduled allergist appointment (because the original appointment was a bust) and I dragged the children and my phlegmy self over there (and got lost again! Yay! but not quite as badly as before) and we ended up spending TWO HOURS. And having tests,...

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Careful what you wish for

You know how it is when someone has a new SOMETHING in their life, and suddenly they are incapable of talking about anything but that SOMETHING. Like, when people have a new baby. It's All Baby, All The Time for a while. Or when someone gets engaged and they cannot shut up about it and it's all engagement, rings, campers, weddings, courtroom sketch artists. Like that. How boring, right? I mean, as a reader, your eyes probably start to roll back in your head and you think, "Geez, didn't she used to write about anything else? Has she always been this insipid?" The answer, of course, is yes, I...

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More information, less knowledge

So, I would've gotten here sooner, but I was sort of busy yelling very loudly. Also, rending my clothing and cursing the name of anyone I've ever known. Lucky Otto! He picked such a good time to visit! There were just a few sucktastic days in there for various reasons. Many of those reasons are only interesting to me, I'm sure, (a bleach spot on my favorite purple shirt! WHY, GOD, WHY?) but those of you who aren't busy skipping everything I've ever said about my children's health and then telling me that I am just randomly "doing things" to my children and I need to stop (why? why am I doing...

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“Ri-ice, and shi-ine, and give God your gluten, gluten. . . “

Oddly enough, listening to me sing that this morning did not make Monkey any more amenable to the delicious gluten-free organic brown rice and twigs cereal I set before him. Which makes NO sense at all, because that is TOTALLY a catchy tune and should send people everywhere running for the organic grain-like food substitutes. Mmmmmm, wood pulp! It's what's for breakfast! Yesterday I went to the health food store and spent some quality time with a lovely young vegan who did a very nice job of squelching her urge to visibly recoil when I listed pop-tarts and Froot Loops amongst Monkey's...

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The glory of the HMO

Tomorrow morning Monkey has an appointment to be evaluated by the sort of doctor who specializes in medicating children for things like ADD/ADHD. We don't actually KNOW if he's ADHD, at this point, you understand. We think he might be, and the sensible thing would be to have him tested for it, so naturally, we plan to do that. Of course, the doctor who does the testing can't see him until November. And really, what's the rush? It's only my son's mental health, and perhaps his first grade experience. Clearly I am one of THOSE MOTHERS for being concerned in the first place. (I find it...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


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