Job? Huh? Articles

I’ve got your politics right here

I only watched half of the debate last night. The second half. I tried not to, because I knew it was just going to infuriate me, but then I couldn't stay away. Guess what? It infuriated me! Go figure! They're having a little problem with my section over at Scholastic, and I just discovered that my last two reviews aren't listed on the main page, although they are, in fact, there. So in case you want a little antidote to last night's lunacy---in the form of kid-sized politics---I've got you covered. Last week, we read LaRue for Mayor. And this week, we read Otto Runs for President. (Both...

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Do you have a cat?

Remember back about a year ago, when I was all "I am so looooooonely here! I love my husband but I have no giiiiiiiirlfriends! Woe is meeeeeeee!"? Remember that? Yeah, me neither. Lord, what a difference a year makes. Yesterday I had a local signing for Sleep Is for the Weak, and I don't know if you've ever been to Athens, but this is a town with many fine offerings in cuisine, music, cultural events, etc. In other words, many folks have better things to do with their Sunday afternoons than to pick up an anthology about parenthood and have it signed by one of the twenty-three contributing...

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Later we’re gonna egg some Tonkas

The good news is that last night's soiree was a fun, fun time and the food was AMAZING. No, I'm not being braggy---I didn't cook. I didn't do anything, actually. This event was a work thing and so it was completely planned out by People Who Are Not Me and also possibly magical wood elves who sprinkled fairy dust everywhere, because I can guarantee you that if I had been the one planning it, we would've had a bottle of wine and a bowl of pretzels and someone would've been in tears at the end. Probably me. But no, because this was a Fancy To Do, a catering team swooped in and set up an entire...

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Worlds continuing to collide

Last night I grabbed a friend and headed to one of our local bookstores, because Hollis Gillespie was there doing a signing. I met Hollis last weekend in Decatur, and I suppose that if I'd had my life together I could've gone to her session (and gotten my books signed) there at the festival, but that's not how it worked out, so I decided to go last night. One of the advantages of going last night was that I was able to bring Chickadee with me, as well. Hollis has a daughter around the same age, and had said it'd be fun to have the girls meet, so off we went. Chickadee and Mae did make...

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I laughed, I cried, I was poisoned

I am home from the Decatur Book Festival, and I've gotta say that now that I've gone, I will go back every single year as long as I live in Georgia, because that particular gathering is pretty much a book nerd's nirvana. I will go back, and I will do all of the same things again, EXCEPT that I will not whine at Joshilyn that "We HAVE to have sushi because I NEVER get to have sushi at home!" Joshilyn did not want sushi. I whined and needled and she acquiesced, and so it came to pass that four of us found ourselves enjoying a lovely dinner at a local sushi joint. Afterwards we went to a...

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Hello, I must be going

Hey, I have a handy tip I'd like to share with y'all. Because I'm helpful, that way. And I know that you will thank me, because this one is a real gem. Here it is: Do not let an orthodontist put the first set of braces on your child the day before a four-day weekend. YOU'RE WELCOME! I know, it seems like a silly thing, but OH MY GOD, just trust me on this one. Because you'll be all "Ho hum, braces today, make sure we're having soft food for dinner, no problem," and then you'll leave early to get into the carpool line so as to pick the child up immediately after school so as to make it to the...

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Mixing work and friendship

I had grand plans for this afternoon---plans that did not, in fact, involve the computer---yet somehow it's nearly dinnertime and here I am. I had several hours all to myself today, too. Poof! Gone! Not sure what happened there, but I strongly suspect it involved PathWords. And in case y'all are unaware, you know Aimee? Aimee who comments here all the time? Aimee is a PATHWORDS NINJA. I could play PathWords for a month and never get anything near what she scored. I strongly suspect she cheated. (Confidential to Aimee: Haha! Just kidding! I'm sure you're just brilliant!) (Confidential to...

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Sometimes, love lucks out

There are things I love about being a mother, and things about it that drive me insane. This is pretty typical, I'd guess, but on the whole I give this whole mothering gig a hearty thumbs up. Insert the cliche of your choice here: It's the toughest job you'll ever love! It's the decision to have your heart walk around outside of your body! Etc. I'll just say that I really didn't understand inspiration until I became a mom. Also, it's nice to have someone else to water the plants for me. (What?) There are things I love about being a writer, and things about it that drive me insane. This is...

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Pimpage and floor porn

(Dear Google, You're welcome! Next time I'll try to work THREE obscene words into the title!) Okay, so, the contractor came over last night and we three stood around discussing The Issues With The Floor. He's a good guy, our contractor. Within the first ten minutes he was able to quell my fear that he'd just plain installed the floor with a crowbar in one hand and a fifth of bourbon in the other, so that was an excellent start. I guess---and wow, does living here give me an education OVER AND OVER or what?---that when you live in a really humid climate it's incredibly difficult to lay in a...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


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