Haven’t been hit by lightning yet! Articles

Indispensable guidance

Today was quite a lovely day for having a 34th birthday. (Thirty-FOUR, people. Why do you all want to make me older? Is it the grey? Sheesh.) After several days of storms, today was sunny and temperate. I ate my body weight in mexican food for lunch. The children produced adorable gifts for me, even while ratting out Daddy for taking them shopping YESTERDAY. (Dude, seriously. Your next wife is not gonna go for that crap. You had them with you for NINE DAYS STRAIGHT and you had another adult there to help you. Where in the bible does it state that thou shalt not shop more than 24 hours in...

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Blunk drogging

Kira is here! I great big giant puffy pink heart her. So much. Really. And not just because I've had a fair amount of wine. I swear. I am fairly certain that the energy created by the three of us all in one place has disrupted the earth's orbit. ANYWAY! Kira is talking to her boys in the phone, which has necessitated a break in our studious viewing of The Butterfly Effect. I ran upstairs and grabbed my computer and was only drunkenly confused by its refusal to start up on account of my dead battery and the cord being unplugged for about five minutes. I think. Joshilyn is just as drink, I...

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Forwarding addresses

Have you ever had a fight with someone, and you're REALLY REALLY mad at them, but you also miss them, a little, maybe, but it's UP TO THEM to make the first conciliatory move because dammit they were WRONG and no matter how many years or how much chocolate you've shared, a line was crossed and they had better start APOLOGIZING or you will just have to continue pretending that it's not ripping your heart to shreds to not be able to talk to them? Me neither. Um, except for this current situation I'm experiencing. Which honestly, is no big deal at all. I mean, hey, I have plenty of people...

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Do I feel it now? How about now? Now?

Every now and then I get a message in a fortune cookie that I feel compelled to save. I'm not a superstitious person; the reasons that I hang on to those little white slips of paper vary. Prophetic is good, but ironic or funny is even better. While I was still unemployed I pulled "You will soon change careers" from a cookie. I tacked it up on my computer monitor. The months dragged on and I had to conclude that the translator had egg foo yung for brains. Still--it was a genuine fortune, which was a nice change from the usual "statement cookies" that are so pervasive nowadays. Today at lunch...

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God loves a cheerful planter

(But sometimes he just has to settle for me.) There lived in a small village a woman of moderate age, who spent her days toiling in the fields of the "rat race" to earn enough to put food in her children's mouths and keep a roof over their heads. Mir was her name, and one day God looked upon her and chose her as an instrument with which to beautify the land. Verily, he spoke unto her. God: Mir, spring has come. Soon, it will be summer. Mir: Yes, my Lord. I have a calendar. And eyes. God: And an attitude. Mir: Sorry. Did you need something? God: I say unto you: it is time to purchase your...

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Hi, I suck

You know how sometimes it seems like you're Doing The Right Thing and it ends up totally biting you on the ass? No? Maybe it's just me. I am incredibly talented when it comes to digging large holes which I later trip and fall into and wonder what the heck happened. So, take my current, ahhh, situation. I'm fine! No, really, I'm just fine! Perfectly fine! See, that's my stance the majority of the time. I mean, sure, technically I am so far from fine that I remember fine about as well as I remember high school trigonometry, but I am not going to unload on every random person who asks how I am....

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On Friday the 13th

I'm not really one for superstition. 13 would be my lucky number, if I believed in numbers being lucky. It's more like my pet number. I like it because no one else does, and it's cute and just wants to be loved, and I suspect it's just misunderstood. Anyway. So I'm not on the lookout for bad luck today. That would be silly. Plenty of bad luck finds me regardless of the day! Besides, today is a milestone for me. Woulda Coulda Shoulda is one year old. (What a long, strange trip... oh, you know.) Happy blogiversary to meeeeeee! But that's not what I was thinking about when I woke up, today....

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Lost and found

(Or, Random Snippets Out Of Which No Sane Person Would Try To Assemble Something.) I am not sleeping well. The good news is that half of what happens when I'm sleep-deprived is RILLY RILLY RILLY hilarious (see previous post for reference; Robotic Monkey + No Sleep = hilarity). The bad news is that the other half of what happens is SO IMPORTANT and EARTH SHATTERING and possibly SO MEANINGFUL that in my quest to decipher the impact of said events on my terribly serious existence, I often end up quite melancholy. On account of the far-reaching, dire implications of things like... being out of...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


Quick Retail Therapy

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