I'm considering having my telephone surgically implanted in my skull. It seems like it might save me a bit of time and neck pain. In the meantime, in the course of one morning I managed to call up a dozen different people for a dozen different matters, all of which more or less boiled down to "Hi, here is my open wallet, help yourself." [My ex actually made me giggle, this afternoon. I said, "So, I got Chickadee that appointment with the orthodontist," and he said "I'll start scoping out some local banks to rob." Which was funny! Because kids are so damn expensive! But at least we're joking...
Friends Articles
The spoils of old age
Well, I've been 35 for nearly a whole day, and it doesn't feel much different. Then again, I felt about 50 before today, so... make of that what you will. Things I did not have to clean up today: Vomit, pee. Thing I did have to clean up today: Poop. (Dog, you have overstayed your welcome. I don't care how cute you are, you have defiled my home repeatedly. Begone.) Traditional dessert I did not have today: Cake. (Maybe tomorrow.) Traditional dessert I did have today: Ice cream. Woohoo! Food we ate that was cooked today: Nothing. Leftovers, baybee. Food that was cooked today that won't be...
My Mir went to BlogHer and all I got was this lousy synopsis
I am home! I am exhausted! And I am (apparently) still on Pacific time, so here I am. I am RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT licking my cable modem, because it's just so goshdarned nice to, you know, HAVE INTERNET. (My favorite internet-connectivity---or lack thereof---moment from this weekend: Someone leaning over to me and saying, "You know, even at a conference that isn't ABOUT THE INTERNET I can CHECK MY EMAIL.") We brought the system to its knees, I guess, and it turns out that I really CAN live for a few days without checking my email or blogging, though it was touch-and-go there for a little...
It’s that time of year…
Now that the site migration is all done (I think? I hope?), I thought I'd point out that I recently lost a bet with Joshilyn and although she is really being restrained about gloating, I am grumpy. I had to get revenge the only way I know how, and the way I only get to do once a year: Publicly praising her (which we all know horrifies her delicate, self-effacing southern heart).
About face
Today actually WAS the day it all started getting better. *cue the angel chorus* And I would just like to thank all of the fine folks who made it possible! There's been so much whining here of late (this is where I peer around with a critical eye, as if I'm trying to target the whiner(s) because it surely was not ME), I just have to share the GLEE. OH, the glee! Due largely to this fine contraption: THANK YOU, Blurred Out For Purposes of Anonymity Dumpster Providing Service! The forecast was calling for rain tonight, so as soon as I saw that baby in my driveway yesterday afternoon I knew I...
That’s theatre, the CLASSY spelling
I've gone off and met my friends inside the shiny box, before, and the experience never fails to fill me with a certain wide-eyed glee. To those people who insist you cannot form a real bond with people you haven't met in real life, I say: Are you going to deny there's a bond when within 15 minutes of meeting I am complimenting the other person's tits in all earnest sincerity? Are you really that jaded and soulless? Fine for you, but I'm guessing you're just not the sort of person whose rack I would WANT to exclaim over, anyway. (And it wouldn't kill you to go for a professional bra fitting....
I love you, but I’m a jetsetter
More not-blogging from me, as I finish unloading my car and get right back in it again to go hobnob with a semi-local internet celebrity. I plan to do more hobbing than nobbing, but you just never know. I'll be home quite late, so please take care of your dishes and lock up on your way out.
Blogging for Books is live, barely
You know, this whole Blogging for Books thing has been a LOVELY little contest that sometimes brings out amazing and/or unexpected pieces of writing from the far corners of the blogosphere. That's not even mentioning how actual! published! authors! have been stepping up with their time and their shiny, shiny books as prizes. I myself really luuuurve my copy of Mother Shock that I won, um, back in the Pleistocene when we had the first B4B contest. ANYWAY! You must go read about this month's Blogging for Books contest and then you must 1) tell all your friends, 2) enter, 3) tell some more...
In which I’m feeling mushy
About a year and a half ago, I found myself unexpectedly and completely smitten. I fell hard and fast, and soon found myself spending every evening talking for hours with the object of my affections. It was as if we'd known each other our entire lives. We finished each other's sentences. We laughed until we cried. Sometimes we cried until we laughed. In a time when I was struggling to center myself, I had support and a cheering section unlike any other I'd had before. Here was someone who understood me; had already been through much of what I was exploring but didn't judge or lecture....