Woohoo! Articles

The eagle has landed

And so have we. Chris and I have arrived in San Jose and are having way more fun than should be legal. Well, I am. Chris keeps saying something about how I'm mean. I'm sure she's joking. I made sure our trek started out right by forcing her to pose for a commemorative photo. As you can see, she is disgustingly photogenic and approximately the size of a sparrow. Bitch. [Edited to add: Here is the view I enjoyed for most of the trip. There may have also been mountains and stuff out the window, I dunno.]

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Lookie there... we're up and running. Welcome to the third (and hopefully final) home of Woulda Coulda Shoulda. Come on in and make yourself at home. Just ignore all those chunks of hair littered about. I ripped them out during the nameserver debacle.

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Children’s Sunday, and the Big Unveil

Today was Children's Sunday at church, and the entire service was by and for the kids. One little girl kept wandering up front and just standing there, clearly pleased with herself, but refusing to sing or participate in any way other than being adorable. I ate her. Chickadee was an acolyte, and also received a bible along with the rest of the second graders. She was good as gold all morning. Monkey cried because he DIDN'T get a bible, and no amount of pointing out that we own MULTIPLE bibles or that he would receive his very own bible when HE is in second grade would soothe him. It was a...

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Ding Dong, Ding Dong!

Ladies and gentlemen: At the tender age of five-and-three-quarters, my son just enjoyed his very first ("may contain traces of peanuts") Ding Dong. His comment, when I asked him how it was? "MMMMMMMMM!!!" Party at my place, tonight. Nutter butters all around! Oh, but not for Puppy. Though Monkey swears his new collar says he's allergic to doctors' offices. Today, my friends, is a Very Good Day indeed.

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The bubbles tickled my nose

Today was gorgeous. We couldn't have ordered better weather for Labor Day; for running around outside (the kids), for relaxing on the porch (us), for grilling and holding hands around the table and singing grace and enjoying the meal and the company. It was a wonderful reminder. As a dear friend of mine says: Life is hard. God is good. It's the balance between the two that I often have trouble achieving. Today, it was easier. Here's a partial list of some things I got to have today. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine which ones I'll remember with clarity a year from...

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Because it was time

If there was a great big cosmic menu from which one could order up the appropriate experience(s) at any given time, the weekend before returning to full-time employment would be a no-brainer. There should be food. Lots of food. Good food. Preferably, there should be both wine glasses and chocolate involved. And good company with which to share it all. Laughter is imperative. Breathlessness is icing. Sight-seeing is optional but recommended. The accidental scenic route is just more time to spend together in the sunshine, singing along with the CD player. Yeah. That's about how it should be....

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Who wants a brownie??

Two and a half hours. Three meetings. One hypothetical marketing strategy involving a voice-recognition alarm clock for quadriplegics (yes, really... I couldn't have made that up if I tried). "Well, I think that's about it. The good news is that my expectations for today were well met and I'm very pleased." "Oh. Um, great! What's the bad news?" "Bad news?" "You said that's the good news. What's the bad news?" "There is no bad news. Good news and better news. The better news is that we've decided offer you the position, and I'll call you tomorrow to go over the offer."

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And the hits keep on comin’

The latest in a series of positive omens: I finally found my missing deodorant. The skin-conditioning deodorant... on a day when I'd shaved. It's like the heavens are smiling directly at me, I tell you.

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Cute furry little puppies are also delicious

So you know how earlier, I confessed to my previous baby-eating penchant, tying it all together (poorly) with the tale of the flower delivery that was not, in fact, for me? I feel the need to come completely clean with all of you, since my prior admission was so liberating. Puppies make delightful between-meal snacks. With ketchup. If you pinch their necks just so, they hardly ever even get away. Phew! I feel better, with that off my chest. Also, the darndest thing happened today. A guy came to the door with a suitcase of money in one hand, and a gorgeous hunk in the other. But it turned out...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


Quick Retail Therapy

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