The eagle has landed

By Mir
July 26, 2006
Category Woohoo!

And so have we.

Chris and I have arrived in San Jose and are having way more fun than should be legal. Well, I am. Chris keeps saying something about how I’m mean. I’m sure she’s joking.

I made sure our trek started out right by forcing her to pose for a commemorative photo. As you can see, she is disgustingly photogenic and approximately the size of a sparrow. Bitch.

[Edited to add: Here is the view I enjoyed for most of the trip. There may have also been mountains and stuff out the window, I dunno.]


  1. Jenny J.

    Oooooh! So excited! I will be there tomorrow!!!

  2. Melissa

    Have fun & try not to get into too much trouble.

    I feel like I know both of you from reading your blogs, but yet, you guys do not know me.

  3. Daisy

    You look like you’re both already having fun! Thanks for sharing the picture.

  4. Susan

    (sound of me weeping . . . )

    Have so much fun! Take more pictures!

    (more weeping)

  5. MommyHam

    You BOTH are photogenic! I have straight teeth, thus resulting in big, open smiles envy. My parents were too poor to afford braces for me, and as of yet, so am I :(

    Have fun!!

  6. Cele

    You’re suppose to be vacationing and having fun in the sun with lovely witty friends. And please have at least four or five maragritas, then write up in the morning.

  7. Amy-Go

    Have fun! And a Mojito for me! ;)

  8. ben


    Love the guy trying to sleep behind you while you flash him.


  9. Carol

    You two are SO cute! Have a fun time!

  10. Katie

    You both are so cute! Looking forward to reading more about BlogHer.

  11. chris

    I had to restrain Mir for rubbing the man’s head… several times.

  12. Elleoz

    I’m with you Mir. I would have totally rubbed his head too! Was he cute? :)

    Have a great time and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!

  13. Jamie

    You womens are so cute! I didn’t want to use the adjective “cute” again, but could not resist. The shiny bald head? Not so cute. I’d be tempted to write on it with a Sharpie.

  14. InterstellarLass

    Bald heads are sexy. You two look like you’re havin’ a blast!

  15. David

    Have I ever told you how fond I am of sparrows? *laughing* Also, your hair still looks great! Have fun, you two.

  16. Missy

    Have fun!
    Not wanting to start anything, but I was just reading on another favorite blog that there were going to be a few men attending BlogHer, and this blogger was regretting not going. Apparently one commenter thought it was absurb that any man would go, and would be seriously pissed off if any showed up. “BlogHer is a “serious forum” and a “safe space” for women bloggers to discuss the issues that face them, and men showing up would just ruin everything.”

  17. Kathleen Marie

    What a sad, sad view you had! My sympathies!

  18. Shiz

    I love touching my hubby’s head. It’s so … cool.

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