Don't try to have a conversation with me this week. I will, at some point, mutter darkly about throwing away five pounds of PERFECTLY GOOD shrimp. It will not need to be relevant to the conversation for me to bring this up, either. I am bitter and it's stupid that I'm bitter and yet: five pounds of shrimp. It's become the focal point of every feeling I've had the past few months. But let's back up. When I last left off, we were mostly all about Monkey's immediate needs and making sure he was okay. It was all... well, it was a lot. Me imitating Oprah and randomly pointing and shouting "YOU...
It’s not a regret, it’s an “experience” Articles
News you can use (for… umm… something?)
Chickadee has been giving me a hard time lately about the blog. "You never write," she complains. "Why don't you write anymore?" I look at her, and she looks at me, and I shrug. Sometimes I follow it up with the usual excuses---I don't want to violate anyone's privacy; my life is pretty boring; there's other stuff that's more important right now. Those things are true, but another truth lies between us, unspoken: It has been a hard summer, for all of us, but especially between her and me. And the kids are theoretical adults (or close to it; heavy emphasis on "theoretical," too) and whatever...
Hello yes hi we are alive
A very patient reader pointed out over on the Facebook page that I never updated after the last post (about Chickadee being in the hospital). I'm sorry! I wasn't trying to be a giant jerkface, but it just happens naturally, I guess. So, to clarify: 1) I suck. 2) Chickie was in the hospital for 5 days and then was released to us. 3) She is feeling a billion and twelve percent better than she did during the acute phase which landed her in the hospital. 4) She does, however, still have mono, which means... 5) ... she sleeps roughly 16 hours/day, and... 6) ... she had to resign from her summer...
Because I am a delicate, delicate flower
Hello! All last week I kept thinking, "Oh, I finally have something to write about! I shall write! About it! All of it!" And all was very busy and before I knew it, 1) time had passed, 2) I had not written about any of it, and 3) "it" had become far more than one post could reasonably hold, even if you're me, the person who believes that brevity is when you eliminate three adverbs from your 3,500-word post. The good news is that this means you're in for several posts in a row, assuming that a piano doesn't fall out of the sky and flatten me, cartoon-villain-style, before I can manage them...
There are two types of people in this world
Listen, I understand that genetics are complicated and sometimes recessive genes do funky things and all of that, but I've recently made a horrifying discovery about my offspring. I'm not the tidiest person in the world, not by a long shot---I tend to have tidy areas of the house and then a few small dumping grounds (see also: my desk, my bathroom counter). It's been a lifelong (their lives, not mine) struggle to be okay with a certain amount of mess in my kids' rooms, because that's their own space and there's a line between "my standards" and "health hazard" and they have to both avoid...
Another month, another series of mostly minutiae
Has it been another month? It has! I don't understand how this keeps happening, and yet, here we are. Time has passed, some interesting things have happened and other not-so-interesting, and life marches on, etc. I've made a number of desserts for Nerd Night this year and shared almost none of them with you because I'm a big jerk. Also because they've mostly been fine but unexciting. However! I am the sort of person who buys buttermilk for a recipe and then spends the next however-long trying to find recipes with which to use up said buttermilk, because most of the time when you Google...
We are all my little dog and her coat
It's a very good thing I never actually promise to come back to writing here regularly. I think about it---a lot---but in the end, it doesn't seem to happen. Oh well. Hey! This blog is worth EXACTLY what you paid for it! (So there.) Things are rolling along, here, and everything is both going WHOOSH TOO FAST and also OMGGGGGGG SO SLOW. You know how Hermione has a time turner in the Harry Potter books so she can be in multiple places at once? Imagine I had one of those time turners and then I somehow ran it over with my car and tried to use it, anyway. Everything is taking too long but is...
Hey. How are you? I've been better. I'm guessing a lot of you feel the same. Maybe some of you don't. I am mostly fighting a constant battle against waves of exhaustion and dread, and then doing super productive things like reminding myself that going onto social media makes me feel a little less alone BUT THEN I run into something that makes me hate everyone and I feel even worse, so I definitely shouldn't do that; so I don't, for like, maybe a whole hour, but then I do, and then everything is terrible all over again. Wow, I think, I should STOP DOING THAT THING THAT MAKES ME FEEL BAD. Yes....
This was supposed to be a more formal post
So I agreed last week to write A Political Post for an organization I love, and then this week happened and this week was a complete jerkface and I ended up doing... um, almost nothing I was supposed to. At all. As in: I got up this morning and did a week's worth of dishes, because it was that kind of a week. SUPER FUN! (And here we mean "fun like a root canal.") Anyway, that's not your problem, that's mine. I'm dealing with it. Turns out that time and coffee heals all wounds, or at least dulls them to the point of manageability. A different sort of person would then come here and implore...