It’s not a regret, it’s an “experience” Articles

Solving problems one chocolate chip at a time

So Chickadee had a great first day of school, and Monkey had a pretty good first day of homeschooling, but then Chickadee came home with stories about her classes and friends, and THEN had to spend the evening on the computer, taking a seminar to go with her virtual math class ("Is this class conducted in space? Is the math itself all theoretical and based on futuristic robots?"), and while we were prepping dinner Monkey cut his thumb, and suddenly the two weeks until Hippie School begins was FOREVER and it wasn't FAIR and life was SAD. Fortunately, Monkey is resilient. Also, we made a LOT...

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Life is not a movie

Sometimes I think that Hollywood primes us to expect every life experience to have a Very Special Lesson or moment of tidy resolution at the end. Life isn't always like that. Life is unpredictable and messy and full of cliffhangers that never get resolved. Life doesn't always hand us resolutions when we want them, or balanced victories to outweigh disappointments. Of course, if movies were more like life, people would throw popcorn and demand their money back. Once upon a time, I learned this lesson the hard way. And I'm over at Off Our Chests to tell you about it. I bet you have a similar...

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My first best friend

It's Tuesday, and that means I'm over at Off Our Chests today. Friendships come and go, but today I'm telling you about one of the best friends I ever had. Back then, I didn't have a lot of friends, so she really meant the world to me. (Oh, who am I kidding? I don't have a lot of friends now, either. But I like to think I'm more well-adjusted than I used to be, regardless. Hush.)

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Random answers and further embarrassment

I'm so glad that y'all seemed to enjoy the last post as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sometimes I'm not sure if things are just amusing in my head or actually amusing in general, and the confirmation that yes, my Native American name should've been Dances With Morons warms the cockles of my twisted little heart. Of course, it seems I've left you with a few burning questions, and that just won't do. Let me see if I can address some of your queries. Many of you wanted to know if 1) Otto and his friend still saw the film and 2) how it was. I subjected my husband to a hard-hitting interview to...

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I have your sadness antidote right here

Let's do a quick review of recent world events, shall we? 1) Norway. God. What did the people of Oslo ever do to anyone? Why are there still so many people out there who think The Answer lies in blowing people up and shooting them? I don't understand. 2) Amy Winehouse. Hey, it turns out that addiction kills even people who are really, really talented. How about that. Would it be wrong to tell my kids that if they ever even try drugs I will break their legs? Because I'm okay with that if it's not going to get DFACS over here. 3) School. As in: starts in two weeks. As in: we haven't the...

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What are you afraid of?

There are plenty of phobias I don't quite understand. Monkey, for example, is absolutely TERRIFIED of bees and wasps, which I gather is a not-uncommon thing amongst Aspies, but is nonetheless kind of annoying and disruptive when something comes along buzzing and he completely freaks out. Me, I'm actually allergic to wasps, and I'm not nearly as fearful as he is. Chickadee's needle phobia? I don't get that, either. Needles don't faze me. I gave myself shots every day when I was pregnant, and other than looking a little like a pincushion, it didn't bother me. But the truth is that I used to be...

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The perks of hippie-town living

Last night we went out for frozen yogurt after dinner, and after enjoying our treat we exited the shop only to discover a couple sitting at a table out front enjoying their dessert... with a large macaw. The bird had his own seat. He was munching on a raspberry, and a small crowd had amassed to admire him. When the raspberry was dropped, the woman of the couple handed over a piece of kiwi from her cup. The bird happily munched on that, as the man began to detail all of the foods the bird really enjoys. He listed several fruits, corn, and then said "But his favorite is roast chicken." "That's...

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Dressed for success?

I think we all have a few of those childhood memories that are indelibly burned into our brains; moments when we felt like we would never fit in or be "right." I watch my kids trying to navigate tricky social waters and desperately want to tell them that they won't remember these heartaches in a few years, but it's not true. Some of it fades, but some of it stays with you forever. I guess it builds character. Once upon a time, I thought clothes were fun. Today's post at Off Our Chests is one of those memories I'll never shake, for better or for worse. Come on over; no matter what you wear, I...

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I like food. The end.

I feel like my entire weekend was spent preparing or consuming food. And that's okay---lord knows that I am a big fan of eating, and I'm willing to invest some time so as to make that experience happen---but it helped me to understand that I would've survived about a week as a pioneer before being all "Screw this, where's McDonald's?" As you already know, my garden is producing tomatoes large enough to take over Atlanta, and a reasonable person would merely concentrate on those, as there's certainly enough of them to keep me busy. BUT NO. I am not reasonable. If some is good, MORE IS BETTER,...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


Quick Retail Therapy

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