It’s not a regret, it’s an “experience” Articles

I’m grateful for…

... the never-stops-being-funny routine of us asking the turkey in the fridge if he enjoyed a nice, pampered, fulfilling organic life before his head was chopped off. ... gluten-free cookies which can be turned into gluten-free pie crust, and the way Otto's face looks when he gets that first whiff of his beloved pumpkin pie in the oven. ... being pounced on with muddy paws, even at inopportune moments, and rewarding that bad behavior with scraps of food. ... both children helping with the rallying cry of "ANOTHER STICK OF BUTTER!" ala Paula Deen (Chickadee's devotion to artery-clogging...

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The person I’ve become, with them

It's true that there's a fine tradition of endless taunting that happens in our family, and I consider it something of a character-building exercise, sure, and my children endure it with a mixture of rolled eyes and exasperation, yes, but the truth is that I am ribbing myself as much as I'm ribbing them. There are times I feel like I've stepped into a music video because I'm not entirely sure how I ended up here. And it's mostly due to the kids. Not entirely, of course, but yeah, mostly. They change things. If I find myself uttering the phrase "I never thought I'd..." chances are, it's going...

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Party at my place! Except not!

I thought today was a very boring day---I never even got dressed, to tell you the honest truth---but it all just got a lot more exciting 'round here. Apparently I'm throwing a HUGE party. I'm sorry I forgot to invite you, but I didn't even know myself until a few minutes ago. I guess I could invite you NOW, but I fear the party's been canceled. I'm a party pooper! Okay; let me back up. After watching about a billion hours of Pitbulls and Parolees with Chickadee this afternoon (spoiler: pitbulls are nice! as are some parolees!), Monkey said he was hungry and I told him to go ask Otto what he...

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Small town life (and death)

One of the things I didn't share recently, because I was worried it would make things harder for them, was that a few weeks ago my folks lost their dog. (You remember Buddy, right? He showed up for my birthday, wearing a tiara!) Buddy was having a hard time moving around when they were here in August, and in dog years he was already somewhere between "geriatric" and "Methuselah," but that didn't make it any easier to see him go. I cried when I found out, and he's not even MY dog. He was just one of those wonderful creatures you can't help but love, and even though his time had come and I'm...

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Five fortunately/unfortunatelys on Friday

1) Unfortunately, our Internet is mysteriously down. Fortunately, my favorite coffee shop has both Internet AND pumpkin lattes. 2) Unfortunately, writing a post about Chickadee's relative good health angered the Germ Gods, and she is home sick today. Fortunately, she's old enough that I can spend a little time saying "Poor, poor little bunny" and then tuck her into bed with the dog and leave the house to work. 3) Unfortunately, I kind of sort of fell in a creek while on a forest exploration with Monkey and Hippie School yesterday. Fortunately, that was pretty much the worst thing that...

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Insert uplifting conclusion here

Have I mentioned lately how much I like all of you? Because I do. You're a lovely bunch of super nice people I would like to have over for a party on my deck. I mean, once there's actually guardrails and stairs, and stuff. Probably I would only be serving Chex Mix I got on clearance and three buck chuck from Trader Joe's, but the LOVE, man, THE LOVE IN THE AIR would make it a party. This is the part where I tell you that everything worked out splendidly. Life turned right around and all is flowers and sunshine. Wouldn't that be great? But... yeah. No. We did, however, go out Friday night and...

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As I noted last month, Licorice enjoys her time out on safari now that the fence is complete and she can roam around in relative freedom, inside a contained area. It had gotten to where she spent only a napping hour or so indoors with me, during the day, and spent the remainder of her daylight hours either 1) outside doing lord knows what, 2) hurling herself at my office door as a subtle hint that she wished to head out, or 3) standing next to my chair whining until I opened the damn door. I'll admit, I was a little saddened that just laying on the floor of my office was no longer sufficient...

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White trash fondue, yo

So this is a THIRD post about food in a row, which means the planet has officially been jolted off its axis. Or that these things come in threes and I'll stop after this. Probably. This weekend was stressful for a variety of reasons, and about halfway through yesterday as I was ranting to Otto that I AM ON ANTIDEPRESSANTS I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO FEEL LIKE THE MOTHERFUCKING SKY IS FALLING WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? he gently asked me if maybe, possibly, I had missed a dose? And I had. So it's possible the sky doesn't require expletives and maybe is just drooping a little, not crashing to the ground,...

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Random things, only slightly germy

If I had some magical blog-glue I could probably cobble all of this together into a cohesive post, but I don't. Oh well! I came home from my travels and waited for the inevitable I-spent-hours-on-an-airborne-metal-tube-filled-with-other-people's-germs illness to settle in, but then spent a couple of days patting myself on the back for remembering to take my Vitamin C, because I had FINALLY escaped that particular fate. Only, now there's some weird bug going through Monkey's school that Monkey clearly has and I spent a day going, "Do I have it? Am I just making myself sick psychosomatically?...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


Quick Retail Therapy

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