Chickadee used the Vulcan mind meld this morning to discover that I'd been angsting about her brother. She then exacted her revenge by rotating her head a full 360 degrees several times before she even made it down to breakfast. It really helped me to put things in perspective. (And by "put things in perspective," I mean "made me want a stiff drink.") Nevertheless, I didn't lock her in the attic or even threaten to cancel her birthday party. I got the kids off to school and turned my attention back to The Birthday That Never Ends (wasn't her birthday WEEKS ago??) and final party...
Haven’t been hit by lightning yet! Articles
Do as I boss
Remember how I said don't be bossy? I mean it. Don't. I will be handling all of the bossiness around here. So that you don't have to. Because, really, aren't you glad to have me around to shoulder that burden? Do YOU want to be the one declaring, "YOUNG MAN, we do not chat on the phone WITH A NAKED BOTTOM. Please put something on before you get on the phone with Daddy!?" I didn't think so. So, in the spirit of carrying out my bossy duties and completely unrelated to just not having very much at all to cover today, I present the following list of things you need to do. You need to go to...
Quick! Tell someone!
If I were a less lazy person, well, I would do a lot of things. Like exercise more, and actually get up and put the ice cream container away instead of just eating the entire thing because the freezer is so far away, and I'd get up earlier in the morning, and-- Wait, I think I had a point in here somewhere. Oh! Right! If I were less lazy, I'd find the post Joshilyn wrote recently about the ridiculousness of prescription drugs advertising on TV. I couldn't agree more. What a way to encourage a nation of hypochondriacs to self-diagnose even more than we already do! Fabulous! Tonight I saw a...
The first hit’s free
Well, the visit has flown by, and tomorrow morning I will repack the car--which will now be overflowing with approximately half a toy store's worth of loot for the kids and one of every item from the girl's department at Target (that's what happens when Grandma offers to take Chickadee shopping for "a dress," much to Chickadee's delight)--and head back home. I could tell you that this was always the plan, and that would be true. But let's be clear: It's supposed to SNOW here tomorrow. I love my parents and everything, but COME ON. It's nearly May. That sort of weather is just against my...
Wow, I learned a lot from that last post. Specifically, from your responses in the comments and some folks' responses to me, off the blog, about it. I learned that many of you share my loathing of popsicle sticks. This made me feel warm and fuzzy. I learned that Karen does not want to hear about me sanding down my feet, and a single joke about topping a caesar salad will cause her to declare that she will never, ever eat any food which I prepare with alleged parmesan cheese. I learned that Kira will retaliate against foot-grating discussion with a cruel declaration of "I'M CHEWING ON A...
Tag me once, shame on you…
... tag me twice, and I start feeling guilty and actually succumb. Of course, I'm incredibly late to the party. But now that you know six weird or interesting or bizarre or furry (okay; maybe not furry, but I was running out of adjectives) things about every other blogger out there, it's time for me to step up. Wacky Mommy tagged me and then Holly tagged me and now I just wish I was more interesting. *shuffling feet, clearing throat* Okay. Presenting, six things you didn't know about me and probably didn't need or want to know but I am now telling you so act interested or at least just smile...
Ain’t technology grand?
I spent most of my evening trying to transfer some files from my old dinosaur of a computer over to my shiny new(ish) computer. I thought I'd transferred everything to my laptop before I moved the old computer, but I thought wrong. The ONE file I wanted tonight was nowhere to be found. But! It was on the old computer! So I turned it on and plugged in my jump drive. Old computer does not recognize the jump drive. Old computer laughs at my attemps to install the correct driver. Old computer would like to see me just try to use that interloping jump drive. Fine. After an hour of that, I decide...
As I choke on my tea and chuckle ruefully
(And, apparently, rhyme.) To the person who came here searching for this information: 1) Sorry. I suspect you were disappointed in what you found. 2) I'm not sure I remember how. 3) Even if I do, I'm not giving lessons.
Stuff! Also, things!
People. GEEZ. Get your minds out of the gutter, please. (Amy-Go, I AM LOOKING AT YOU.) I appreciate all of your fine suggestions and even the chuckles I gleaned from all the innuendo, but seriously. Y'all need to get out a bit more often. And if someone like ME is saying that to YOU, well, that's way beyond irony all the way over to ridiculous. Just sayin'. (More on that stuff in a bit. You were naughty and now you have to wait, while you think about what you did.) But first! Other things! Why, look! Here is a thing, now! Totally unrelated to the fact that I seem to have become infected with...