Haven’t been hit by lightning yet! Articles

More chances to be scarred for life

So despite my heartfelt desire to spend a day curled up in the corner so as to best recover from yesterday, the minutiae of life demanded my attention. We had places to go, people to see, and things to do. None of it, however, was particularly newsworthy; unless you want to count the letter I finally wrote in reference to this matter. Now we wait and see if they back down and admit they've been bilking unsuspecting parents for years, or if I go to jail. Yay! But I did learn something important this evening. When it's just a few days until an anticipated reunion with your sweetheart---after...

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Maddog Mama

It's not often that I find my spam mail to be prophetic, but hey---stranger things have certainly happened. This morning amidst the advertisements for mortgages, diet pills, bodily enhancements, and RILLY RILLY REAL ROLEXES, GINA!, I received this gem of a subject line: Oh, you are not able to control your feelings! I think we all know what the email was really about (ummm... donuts?), but after today it made me laugh. You know how people sometimes seem one way on their blogs, and then it turns out that it was all a lie and they're actually really different? I never want to be the sort of...

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Love is living with longing

Dear Gluten, I miss you. Although I try to soldier on without you, with each passing day I feel your absence ever more keenly. There is a hole in my life I am left trying to fill. Try though I might to find your equal, the reality is that you are unique and irreplaceable. Please come back before I cook again. It's true that if I fed Monkey nothing but cheese he'd probably forget all about you in short order. But, silly me, I keep trying this "balanced diet" thing. And I don't know if I can do it without you. This afternoon I whipped up chocolate chip cookies without you, and to my surprise...

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Big black bags of freedom

Wow! Given the frenzy of responses to my last post, I feel the need to provide a handy summary of lessons learned: 1) I should not post while crabby. 2) There are no shortcuts. 3) You all are just as tired and stressed as I am. 4) Liquor is the answer. Seriously, in my Nyquil-enhanced funk, last night, I was sure that someone would give me a fabulous idea or trick which would cause me to smack my forehead and declare "OF COURSE!" I cannot decide if I am disappointed or relieved to know that there's no magic bullet. Well, short of disposing of the children. And I sort of like the children....

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Teddy bear, teddy bear, you’re a ho

My daughter has developed a new fixation. Apparently she spends every recess with a group of girls, jump roping. That's fine with me. More than fine, actually---I recall a similar period in my own girlhood where jumping rope was pretty much the pinnacle of all that mattered to me. It's good exercise, it's a useful social construct, and very few parents have received phone calls asking them to come immediately and tend to a child who had a tragic jump roping accident. Truly, it has the potential to be the perfect recess activity. Perhaps this is why I find myself so conflicted, today, upon...

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Dare me? Bet him!

Or, no good can possibly come of this.... I am beginning to realize that I have a thing for men who view everything as a challenge to be conquered. Now, a certain amount of pioneer spirit, I admire. I do. But I also think there's nothing wrong (or unmanly) about admitting limitations. Clearly I feel this way because I do not have a Y chromosome. Tonight Otto drew a line in the figurative sand and the game could've been on, if only I could've stopped laughing. Really, this is all YOUR fault. Yes, you! I posted about my adventures in shopping for king size linens and several people insisted...

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Blessed are the blind. . .

... for they shall not see me attempting to blow them up. Hi! How are you today? I'm just fine. What's that? Oh, it's been a pretty standard day, really. I got up, took a shower, went to soccer, made plans with a friend, came home, checked my email, had some lunch, spent some time organizing my basement, and went outside and set my lawn on fire. What? Oh, like you've NEVER DONE THAT. What? You... haven't? Oh. Okay, then. Hey! Look over there! Something SHINY! [Oh, now would probably be a good time to thank y'all for weighing in on the bed issue. Thanks! King wins by a landslide, unless I...

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Let’s talk about me for a change

I had an appointment---a meeting, you might say---to have coffee with a friend this morning. I had put it into my handheld and everything. Both of us have been too busy and I was REALLY looking forward to seeing her for an hour. (You know where this is going, right?) Why, I often get up and get the kids off to school and sit down and work for a while and don't even bother showering until noon or so. But today I had PLANS so I hopped out of bed at some ungodly hour when it was freezing cold in here (okay; I finally caved and turned the heat on, today) and took a shower so that I could go have...

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A day of memories

I've been reading a lot of 9/11 tribute stuff today, both personal memories and tributes to those lost. It's hard for me. It evokes a level of anxiety in me that feels dangerous. The truth is that I don't watch the news and rarely read the paper; I find current events depressing and I'd rather be ignorant than scared. [I'm not interested in debating whether or not this is a healthy outlook. I also can't go to sleep with the closet door open or go on a trip with fewer than two extra outfits. I never claimed to be logical.] Maybe I have an ulterior motive for not wanting to read about all of...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


Quick Retail Therapy

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