Haven’t been hit by lightning yet! Articles

Guess what last weekend was?

I know I didn't talk about it a ton this year, but after all of the ice and snow and general mayhem of last week, we ended up putting on just two performances of The Vagina Monologues. (It was supposed to be four, and it's a charity event, so the truncated schedule was kind of a bummer all around.) Over the weekend I did a quickie "Hey, would you want to see video?" query over on the blog's Facebook page, and your responses ran from "yes, please" to "WHY HAVEN'T YOU POSTED IT YET???" so I guess that was pretty clear. If you are NOT interested in hearing me be completely NSFW while making a...

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Hunkered down and craving french toast

The ZOMGSNOWPOCALYPSE is hitting Georgia right about... now. The kids only had half a day of school, there are actual snowflakes in the air, and rehearsal for The Vagina Monologues this evening has been canceled. (Did I mention that I was doing that again? I am. Also, I'm not quiiiite off-book yet, as I was supposed to be for tonight, so yay for canceled rehearsal!) (Did I spend an hour this morning doing chores around the house, belting out dialog about my vagina, much to the dogs' consternation? Indeed I did. Duncan seemed particularly uncomfortable, which is saying something, because he...

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We’re gonna need a bigger vacuum

Today ended up completely sideways and I don't really know how or why. This is me cheering myself up with the conversation that STARTED the day, before everything went to crap. Her: So explain to me, again, why you want to be cremated when you die? Me: Well, for one thing, I'm cheap, and I think the cost associated with buying a hole in the ground and a fancy box to bury in it seems dumb to me. For another, I don't believe that the body means anything after the soul leaves it. Why fancy it up? Get rid of it, I won't be using it. And I don't want a place that you feel compelled to maintain,...

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tl;dr: Money makes me paranoid

I have not been sleeping particularly well these last few days. Otto was doing a work thing all weekend, which meant he was coming and going at weird hours, and we have a friend of his staying here (for said work thing), as well, and I love our dogs, you know, I love them SO MUCH, they bring such joy to my life, but they are not all that bright about guests in the house. After however many years it's been (4? 5?), we've grown used to Licorice feeling the need to bark anew EVERY SINGLE MORNING no matter how many times she's already encountered the same stranger in our house. ("You're still...

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I don't think it comes as any surprise to regular readers when I confess that I sometimes use curse words. (The horror!) Some people might consider this a moral failing or character defect, but I prefer to believe it's not. After all, they're just words, right? Today I'm over at Alpha Mom trying to unravel modeling appropriate language behavior for my kids, now that swearing isn't exactly off-limits, but it's not necessarily awesome to hear coming from my teenagers' mouths, either.

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The holidays ate me and all you got was this post

First the kids were off school for a week and then I was cooking for days and then it was Thanksgiving and then it was a million other things AND the first miserable cold of the season which we passed around to everyone in the house AND a bunch of work and school stuff AND one of those "now we must reevaluate our life choices and make everything more complicated!" revelations that I like to have when I'm sick and busy AND did I mention that the new dog's favorite pastime is slurping up an entire bowl of water and then horking it right back up onto the kitchen floor? Because it is. (He's...

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The course of true puppy love…

... never did run smooth, right? Our first night with Duncan was a little rough. Today is better, and tomorrow will be better still. We'll get there. In the meantime, it's possible that my latest at Alpha Mom will cure you of wanting a second dog, just in case you'd been thinking that was a good idea. On the other hand... ... Duncan just figured out how to use the doggie door out on the porch, and he was pretty proud of himself. So there's that.

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The ongoing conversation…

I've been writing here for coming up on ten (!!) years, and I can still count my very favorite posts on a single hand. That means either that those posts are beyond stupendous and/or meaningful, or that a lot of what I write here is utter drivel. Let's not think about it too hard. One of incidents that will always hold a special place of combined hilarity and horror in my mind was detailed in this post from seven years ago wherein my darling daughter discovered that the human body is terrifying and disgusting. A lot of time has passed, and I still ever-awkward in my sharing of Information I...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


Quick Retail Therapy

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