In the same kitchen where two small children are playing Connect Four with wild abandon (and seeming obliviousness to the fact that this was a really cool toy when WE were kids), there are four adults. Between the grown-ups, there are three computers, two cell phones, and a video camera in use. All at the same time.
What do I do all day? Articles
Things I cooked while dying
Did I mention that I have a cold? Because I do. I think I'm dying. It is very sad. I will miss me. (Do you hear them? In the background? Those are teeny tiny violins, playing beautiful music in honor of my sore throat and reversion to 5-year-old maturity level when my nose is stuffy.) Oh, FINE. I suppose I'm PROBABLY not actually dying. In fact, I'm that sort of really unsatisfying sick where you just feel crummy and gross, but deep in your mucous-covered heart you know that without a fever or whatever you really just have a cold and should suck it up. Of course, I'm sick because I have a...
Party girl
Woo! My weekend simply flew by, because that is what happens when you have an active social schedule the way that I do. It's not easy being a socialite, but somehow I manage it. Come to think of it, I suspect this weekend was a year's worth of weekend excitement, owing to the fact that most of the time I consider it a busy weekend if I get up off the couch long enough to look for more snacks. Anyway, I bid farewell to my usual level of sloth these last few days and was VERY BUSY and as a result, I now need a weekend to recover from my weekend. Um. Hmmm. Seems like this could be a problem,...
I apologize
If you happened to notice that rift in the very fabric of the universe earlier today, it may have been due to the fact that we went out on a family outing and had a perfectly lovely day. Everyone behaved and there wasn't any traffic and when we came home everyone got ready for bed and turned in without complaint. It was weird. Good, but weird. In fact, when we were sitting in a restaurant eating, a kid at the next table fiddled with his cup until he dumped about ten ounces of ice directly into his shoes. (Crocs. Yet another hazard they don't tell you about---shoes full of ice pellets!) And I...
She had a hand in it
Yesterday I cooked and worked and cooked and worked and cooked some more and worked some more and told my daughter that if she behaved she could help me with the pies and that if she didn't, I would chop her up and put her IN the pies. It was mixed bag of a day---rather more frenetic that I would've liked, plus it's hard to behave when you're off school and everyone is busy ignoring you in favor of preparing dinner for people you don't even KNOW, MOM---but in the end, we more or less did both. I hope our guests like pie. I've never made a pie with a lattice top before, mostly because---like...
I’ll be right there
I have so much to say, and none of it involves weeping (any more) which is a huge change from the past week. Soon we shall discuss this last week in detail and then put it behind us and move on, but I can't do it just yet. Today I am spending the day focusing on my children. My wonderful, awesome, patient children, who still love me even though I all but ignored them for four days while my business (and I) were in a tailspin. This may have nothing to do with me and everything to do with the pudding cups I packed them on Friday, along with notes about how great I think they are and how much I...
When the cat’s away, the mice. . .
... have big plans but in the end are astonishingly lazy. (Wow, that really doesn't roll off the tongue quite the way the original does, huh?) The kids spent the weekend with their father, which meant that after Monkey's soccer game on Saturday they piled into a rental car and headed off to... well, I'm not sure where. Maybe they told me, but I was too busy waving and driving off with Otto yelling "FREE AT LAST! FREE AT LAST!" Okay, maybe it wasn't quite that bad. We set off on a rollicking adventure which would take us out to lunch and over to the local Goodwill. Because we are WILD. We...
Off to a great start
I am already struck with a strong urge to crawl back into bed, which I'm taking as a very bad sign indeed, seeing as how that usually doesn't happen until closer to lunch time. Not even a bowl of grits with bacon salt (bacon salt, oh how I love thee) has perked me up. This is not a good omen. The children are having trouble getting up in the morning, and honestly, short of putting them to bed right after they get home from school, I am out of ideas. Their bedtime is plenty early. They SHOULD be getting plenty of sleep. Maybe they are, and it's just their genetic bent towards morning...
Meanwhile, back at the ranch
The children seemed largely unbothered by Otto's absence this weekend, but they were on him the second he walked in the door, yesterday, to fill him in on everything he'd missed. There was soccer! And Sonic! And some things they'd watched on TV! And look at this thing I built! And how loose my tooth is! And we tried to go swimming but it was COLD! Monkey hung from Otto's middle while he chattered on, while Chickadee hung back, far too cool to climb on him, of course, but adding bits to the conversation with authority. Also, Otto brought home free baseball hats for everyone. And that's pretty...