I'm currently in full-on LET'S GET THIS NEXT CHAPTER STARTED mode. Waiting for the flip of the calendar was arbitrary, sure, but sometimes you need something like that to help you move on. So I flipped the calendar, put on my big girl panties, and am trying to Get Stuff Done. It's terrifying, but kind of good, too. On my way to this mode I watched some football, and had a few onion-dip-related epiphanies over at Feel More Better. I don't know that it's completely changed my life, or anything, but it definitely tweaked my outlook in a few important ways. Come on over and weigh in, if you're...
It’s not a regret, it’s an “experience” Articles
Good riddance, 2012
I feel like I could make with OH SO MANY WORDS about the suckage of 2012, but frankly I am sick of it and have no desire to rehash. If you were here, you already know. If you weren't, well, I guess we could do an in-a-nutshell retrospective as a sidebar if I could do one for real. [I can't do a real sidebar, so here's a fake one. Sidebar: 2012 sucked hairy donkey balls. Chickadee spent half the year in the hospital and I spent months fighting for Medicaid coverage for her while fighting for decent treatment, and then she decided to go live with her dad. (Single bright spot during that: You...
No one shot their eye out
Was it a successful Christmas at Casa Mir? I think it was. No one threw up, no bones were broken, there were no car accidents or kitchen fires or other disasters. I mean, sure, I discovered mid-afternoon that somehow my father has never seen A Christmas Story, but that was easily remedied. Even as Chickadee loudly and frequently proclaimed that this was "the dumbest movie ever," I noticed that didn't stop her from watching it with us. Because really, no matter how you think you feel about it, once you happen upon this movie on the television on Christmas day, you are legally obligated to...
Holiday meltdown in 3… 2…
It's the most wonderful time of the year, and by "wonderful" I of course mean "stressful, over-hyped, and mob mentality PMS-filled." Because really, it's not just us, right? EVERYONE is cranky? Like, "Happy Holidays! ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME?" kind of cranky? I want to be peaceful and calm and bright, I do. And I assume other folks do as well. But the pace of the season and the rushrushrush to finish school/work/life-goals before Christmas and/or the end of the year is just turning us all into giant jerkfaces. (See, you can tell I'm working really hard on being gentler and kinder because I said...
Rainy days and Mondays something something
I tend to be rather cerebral---I'm sure you never noticed that (oh, hi, you must be new here)---and as such, December has a way of knocking me into... I wouldn't say a downward spiral, exactly, but a spiral more like a dog trying to chase its tail while on a staircase. There are so many THINGS that happen this month, so many reminders of what isn't and what I wish wasn't, and at some point in the month (if not at multiple points), I'm overwhelmed by a pervasive desire both to refuse to get out of bed AND to clone myself so that I can be everywhere I'm supposed to be. I suppose if that...
Moving right along
Despite my insistence that time SLOW DOWN ALREADY, life continues to zip right by at a maniacal pace. And now we can all stop and consider that statement and laugh at my fickleness, because wasn't I JUST wishing for 2013 to get here? And now I'm complaining that the year is nearly over and I'm not ready? I am nothing if not illogical. (No, YOU!) It's not clear to me what I feel the need to DO or FINISH this year---I mean, other than the usual sort of "everything!"---but here I am, feeling like time is spinning by and I'm on a deadline. What or when that deadline actually IS remains a...
Meeeeeerry… okay, fine, whatever
This weekend it became clear that 1) Christmas is going to come whether I want it to or not, 2) I have about eighty billion things to accomplish between now and then, and 3) I am starting to hate everything and everyone again. What a delightful combination! (STEP RIGHT UP, watch the Amazing Grumpy Woman attempt to get into the holiday spirit! Just don't, you know, breathe too loudly in the same room with her. Just a friendly warning.) In a completely transparent attempt to jack up my holiday spirit with zero effort or personal growth on my part, I gave Monkey this year's LEGO Advent Calendar...
From grumpy to thankful
I've had a bit of an outlook shift in the last few weeks. It kind of snuck up on me, and it definitely wasn't a linear progression, and I'm sure I may yet falter and/or regress. Nonetheless: I am a happier person than I used to be, because I'm tired of being sad. Does this mean I will no longer regale you with verbose whining about the inconsequential, annoying minutiae in my life? Of course not; hyperbole is never going to cease to entertain me. But in the purest sense of where I'm at? I'm grateful for the good, and better able to see the not-so-good as sucky, sure, but not the be-all and...
Food fight?
Wow, I had no idea until that last post how strongly people feel about 1) mayonnaise in general and 2) deviled eggs. I was left feeling like I should get my menu approved by everyone here before letting our guests into the house on Thanksgiving, and also like that could possibly end in blows while people scream at each other about hors d'oeuvres. [I'm not saying y'all are that crass. I'm just saying that after the year we've had, nothing surprises me anymore. NOTHING.] So I got to thinking about whether or not I need to be figuring out more pre-dinner munchies for Thursday, and in talking...