Haven’t been hit by lightning yet! Articles

Halt! Procreation Police!

(Today's fabulous idea brought to you by the sudden proliferation of Extremely Stupid Parents in my area.) The scene: A busy road (double yellow line and all). Riding with traffic (good) is a man on a bike with no helmet (bad), pulling a bike trailer containing a toddler with no helmet (unforgivable). Officer Mir: I'm sorry, sir, please pull over. Man: Is there a problem, officer? OM: Yes, I'm afraid there is. You see, neither you nor your minor child are wearing bike helmets, and this is a very busy street. Man: Oh. Well, you see, a helmet would mess up my hair, and I haven't bought one for...

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Vacation Bible School: Day 2

Second verse, same as the first....   Not too much different to report, tonight.  Although it's worth pointing out that from the time we shopped for VBS supplies (a few days ago) and the children spotted the 10 little boxes of instant pudding, Monkey has talked of nothing else save how much he was looking forward to the night we would have pudding for snack.  What night are we having pudding?  Is tonight the pudding night?  I can't wait for the pudding!!!!   You guessed it.  He took one bite out of his pudding cup and brought it back to me in the...

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Putting more money in the therapy fund

After my earlier post, I realized that I was in dire need of some rest and rejuvenation. Okay, if you want the truth; I sat down on the couch and while "helping" Monkey with a jigsaw puzzle (a complicated task, considering he shrieked at me any time I dared to touch one of the pieces, yet any time I pulled back he would again exhort me to help), I fell asleep. For about a millisecond. And it is not fun to wake up to "You have to stop resting because we need to find Spiderman's eye!!" So I hatched a brilliant plan. First, I fed the children a snack. Next, I allowed them to pick a movie to...

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Guilt… it’s what’s for dinner!

Guilt is a wonderful thing in parenting. Not the kind of guilt that some parents (*cough*stupidex*cough*cough*) use to abdicate their day-to-day parenting responsibilities because it's just more fun to be a travelling carnival, but just a little dab of guilt will do ya, sometimes. On the heels of yesterday's don't-you-lie-to-me-young-lady-oops-you-didn't debacle, I had an early morning chat with the Chickadee just to tie up loose ends. By the time we headed to school I think things were more or less resolved; she seemed fine, and I felt better. But the littlest smidge of guilt remained...

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The Purpose-Driven Snacker

As of today I have completed a small group course of study based on Rick Warren's The Purpose-Driven Life. I am still finishing up the book, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to feel completely inadequate. Ha! No! Just kidding. I recommend it to anyone who feels their life must surely be part of a "bigger picture" and wants to learn more. Rick Warren is a fascinating guy with an interesting take on things. Many of his ideas transcend "things that make you go 'hmmm'" and head straight into "things that make your head want to explode." As a divorced Christian reared in Jewish...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


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