Vacation Bible School: Day 2

By Mir
July 20, 2004

Second verse, same as the first….
Not too much different to report, tonight.  Although it’s worth pointing out that from the time we shopped for VBS supplies (a few days ago) and the children spotted the 10 little boxes of instant pudding, Monkey has talked of nothing else save how much he was looking forward to the night we would have pudding for snack.  What night are we having pudding?  Is tonight the pudding night?  I can’t wait for the pudding!!!!
You guessed it.  He took one bite out of his pudding cup and brought it back to me in the kitchen.  “I don’t want any more.”
Tonight, by the way, was a Jewish-girl-turned-Christian’s fantasy VBS night.  Tonight’s biblical hero was Esther.  There was pseudo-Purim happening in our Fellowship Hall, I tell you.  Very interfaith and somewhat odd, but fun!  Plus there was a great song about Esther at the end during the rock-out-with-the-band time, and Chickadee got up and sang and danced as part of the backup singers!  Much fun.
Apparently, I carried the Holy Spirit home with me tonight, and also it is highly contagious.  This is why you should all go to Vacation Bible School, because IM’ing with those speaking in tongues is quite amusing.  I will leave you with the following.  Upon settling down at the ‘puter to blog and chat with a friend, I experienced this:

Jules : stll no headace
genericmir: So far so good.
Jules : yaayyy!!!
Jules : I’m not drunk btw..I’m havnikeyboarisues
Jules: brb
genericmir: LOL
Jules : I got my ear pieredagain
genericmir: You have pie in your ear?  Huh?
Jules : pierced
genericmir: Oh, where?
Jules : need a second hole inh rightear
Jules : dmnit
genericmir: LOL
Jules : I SHOLD E EAY ONYOU ICE Iave no bttere
Jules : ROFL
genericmir: English please?
Jules : TESTIN
Jules : yay
Jules : I have a keyboard again
genericmir: Oh good, because I thought you were speaking in tongues.
Jules : was more like speaking in thumbs


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