Today has been a very stressful day, due mostly to a looming deadline and a project source who fell off the edge of the earth, leaving me hyperventilating and mewling in the distinctly quotable-quote-less VOID left behind. I spent the majority of today playing a delightful game of PLEASE TALK TO ME with a variety of professionals who, oddly enough, are busy enough working at their jobs that they do not have oodles of free time to chat with panicking journalists. Go figure. Add to that my charming daughter coming home from school with a very interesting tale of woe, the disappearance of 75%...
Haven’t been hit by lightning yet! Articles
When honesty is not the best policy
There's a part of my brain that feels like it just switches over to autopilot as soon as Thanksgiving passes. It's the holiday season! Follow the steps, execute the typical moves, make it to December 25th in one piece! Sure, there are some variations each year, but the basic goals are the same. Add to this the fact that Monkey's kindergarten teacher is the same one that Chickadee had, two years ago. This was not an accident. I LOVE LOVE LOVE his school and this teacher and her team. They did such a wonderful job with Chickadee that I requested the same class for Monkey. Part of what this...
“Should not admit” = I tell everyone
Do most people have a filter between their brains and their mouths? I was born missing this regulatory device, I think. It is perhaps the sort of thing you can cultivate, but the end result is not the same as a genetic predisposition. Like, you can have a perm, if your hair is straight. But even the most amazing, most expensive process isn't going to result in something the same as if you truly have curly hair. At the very least, eventually your hair will grow back (straight) and you'd have to re-perm. For me, I've managed to figure out enough awareness to avoid most painful social...
From the pages of the DUH files
I had a rollicking good time on the phone with someone, earlier tonight, (and I have not--to my knowledge--rollicked previously, so you KNOW it was a good time in a whole new way!) and at one point she commented on how I am "always so positive." There was a slight delay while I laughed until I cried and then continued laughing until I peed my pants, and then just a bit more of an interruption while I went and changed my pants. I am really not a positive person, unless you mean that I am positive that I would rather laugh than cry. In THAT case, I am the most positive person you know. Also,...
All humanitarian, all the time
I believe I have just one mission on this planet, and that is to serve others. I comfort babies, I help old ladies across the street, I buy girl scout cookies purely because it helps those adorable tykes raise money, I let people send me free stuff! Okay, I confess: I buy girl scout cookies because I like them. But letting people send me free stuff, that's completely altruistic. It makes them happy and I like to do my part in helping others, no matter the sacrifice to myself. It's just my cross to bear, I suppose. If I have a flaw, it's that I care TOO MUCH. (I have no idea why my...
Handy “how-to”s*
How to... sleep in in the morning: Give the children permission to rise and fetch their own breakfasts, play downstairs, and watch cartoons. You should be able to grab an extra hour of sleep before the screaming becomes too loud. This approach is not recommended if you will be troubled by any of the following-- A) Trails of pop-tart crumbs B) Milk spilled on the floor C) 325 pieces of dollhouse furniture set out like a wee furniture warehouse showfloor all over the living room floor D) Your son wearing a pink unitard E) Your daughter wearing your son's brand-new dress socks How to... get the...
Mysteries of the universe
It's Sunday night, and I'm all about the deep thoughts. There are so many unknowns in this world... I only wish I could unravel the truth behind some of these complex issues. I think I would sleep better at night. Hey, I would certainly sleep better at night if a man who adores me was all cuddled up with me, but that would probably lead to him stealing the covers and snoring and farting and God only knows what else, plus that's just not happening anyway, so let's proceed on the theory that my sleep will be aided by figuring out some of these things, instead. And stop looking at me like that....
Up close and way too impersonal
As most of you have figured out, I don't respond to all of the comments and email I receive. I try to be pretty good about it, but oftentimes things get lost in the shuffle as I'm working or beating the children or just generally living life. And lately I've gotten all sorts of questions and emails and I'm just thinking it may be time to address some of these things. So then I thought, I could go through and answer all of those emails! And comments! And I could call my parents more often like a good daughter! And be more patient when my kids ask me the same questions over and over! But those...
Why yes. . . yes, it is
We all know how much I absolutely LOVE to have my picture taken. Yes! It makes me SO HAPPY. Not AS happy as prolonged vomiting, mind you, but slightly happier than, say, a rectal exam. (I'm pretty sure the sarcasm isn't directly related to photography, but who knows. It could be a side effect of the PURE RAPTURE.) Anyway, in spite of my deep love of various representations of myself in photos--which invariably yield something where I appear to either be swallowing my own chin or displaying my teeth to prove that I am indeed related to Mr. Ed--I was so excited today, I had to take a picture....