Friends Articles

Embrace your inner screw-up

I believe I once characterized my town as "not exactly a Stepford community," but something close. I lied. It is, in many ways, worse than Stepford. Tonight I had a new friend over for dinner. D and I met through another dear friend, and upon discovering that we are both newishly (is that a word? she brought wine; consider yourself forewarned) divorced, we bonded instantly. So we've known each other a while, but it has taken some time to finally coordinate a get-together. We ran into her at the beach today... and when I discovered that we were both going to be kidless tonight, I invited her...

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Commune House Rules

I knew the wisdom of this idea would resonate with the thinking women out there (and with Genuine, who not only skipped over the bit about polyamory not being a requirement, but also forgot that I am also still on double-secret 6-week probation!). Now all that remains is to figure out some of the particulars. To this end, I had a long and serious discussion on the phone with my friend Marcey this morning. She is also a single mom, and we have long toyed with the idea of merging our households, except for the part where it ends up being less like "Kate and Ally" and more like "Thelma and...

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Most wives need… more wives

I feel the looooooove, people! *sniffle* I expected a few introspective, convoluted answers to my "bloggerhood" post below, and instead I found over three dozen "I like you! Lots!" comments. Aw, shucks. I like you, too! Don't ever change! And special kudos to those of you who delurked just to say that. I cannot promise to never alienate any of you with some of my more bizarre ruminations, but I'll do my darndest to keep y'all around. Speaking of which, what do you suppose a small boy who manages to make "arrivederci" rhyme with "I have a wedgie" (ah-ree-va-DED-gie turns to ah-hav-a-WED-gie)...

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We interrupt this blog with a message from our sponsor

On days like today, when I am sitting here in migraine-land waiting for my doctor's office to call me back, when I am wondering exactly how many hours of television my children can watch before CPS comes to take them away, I like to remember that I have a fan club.   It's true!  Stop laughing!  I have a fan club.  My dad is the president, of course.  (Hi, Dad!)  But much of his adoration is disregarded because of that pesky genetic connection.  He can't help it, you know.  (Plus, if you'd known me through my tween and teen years, you'd be pretty...

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Happy Aidan Day!

Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans, and Happy Aidan Day to the Genuine Clan on the holiday birth of their third Genuine Kid. This news is so fresh, Gen hasn't even posted yet (I found out from the proud auntie)! Welcome to the world, little one.

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That blogroll meme thingie

Is it contagious? Apparently, yes. Seen at Genuine, Zoot's, and Mindy's... among others. There are TWO rules when answering these questions: 1) Only ONE answer to each. Of course its tough - thats the point! 2) Each blog/blogger may only be used ONCE What blogger inspired you to FINALLY start a blog? Kym What blog do you visit the most often everday? The Zero Boss, probably because he posts like 5 times a day. What blogger do you think you have the most in common with? Kira Which blog can you be sure will make you pee a little you laugh so hard? Miss Doxie Which blogger leaves you the...

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The Almighty Avocado

Today's entry is inspired by the Blogging for Books contest over at The Zero Boss. This week's subject is an act of compassion that changed your life. I had always wanted children. I was the kid who kept babysitting well into high school because I just loved being around little kids; and I was the sitter they all clamored for because I didn't talk on the phone and read fashion magazines, I played! Once I hit my twenties I became serious about seeking a man who was "mate material" and met my standards for being an excellent prospective father. I found the man who fit the criteria (I thought)...

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Guest with the Rest

Have you visited the most mouth-watering blog in the blogosphere yet? If you said yes, gold star! If you said no, look very ashamed, or I will bop you on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. While Bakerina is away, the mice are not so much playing as having a party to end all parties. I can barely keep up. But I did wander over and post a guest entry this afternoon, just cuz Bakerina was silly enough to grant me access. And because I'm so pleased that I finally finished cleaning the house. And because I don't want to go tend to any of the other million things I should be doing. Check it out,...

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Deux Menage-a-Trois!

Hey, that's all the French I know. Unless you would like me to order lunch. Which I can do. Bagette. Fromage. See? Practically bilingual, I am. (That's counting English as a language I speak, which I'm sure some would argue....) I did not write last night. I was busy. Because I have not yet figured out quite enough ways to fritter away my spare time, I got Yahoo! Messenger installed and found myself getting down-n-dirty with some of my fellow bloggers. First it was a wild (if brief) romp with Mindy and Jilbur. I couldn't keep up. This is both the fun and the curse of blogging; you meet folks...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


Quick Retail Therapy

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