Just for Genuine, who is always wanting nudie photos and has apparently offered to ride up on a white horse purely for comedic value, I offer you the source of my freakish power and spotty self-assurance. Behold, and be amazed!
Detritus Articles
Bustin’ Out
The sun rises on Monday morning, and I am sane again. Phew. Thanks for the kind comments on my post from last night. Logically, intellectually, I am fine. Emotionally, even, I'm mostly fine. The thing about being lonely is that it's not a constant thing; it lurks and jumps out and bites you every so often. But it's all good. Just think how much more I'll appreciate the love of my life when he finally shows up! (If I don't deck him and say, "What TOOK you so long??") This afternoon I'm giving myself a little gift. The sitter is coming for a couple of hours and I'm going out to do... ummm......
But Target is not a substitute for…
... Friday Facts and Fiction questions. As Jules just reminded me. So leave your questions here and I will address them tomorrow. By the way? Tons of people are now doing the open-forum questions thing. But as far as I know, I started it, and I'm the only one who actively wastes time coming up with fake answers in addition to the real dirt. So accept no substitutes! Pick my brain and behold the debris it spews forth!
Is it wrong…
... that late last night, as I stood in my bathroom, waxing the hair off my upper lip, surrounded by piles of boxes of various and sundry hormone patches, I started hatching a scheme to market said patches as dual purpose for hormone regulation and hair removal? Just remember, you read about it here first.
Technical difficulties
For some reason, BlogSpot has decided in its infinite wisdom that maybe I only really wanted the left-hand side of my page. I have no idea where the right-hand column is. Which means I can't access my blogroll. *weeping* Maybe they'll fix it... eventually. Edit: Thank you, Keri! I'm a dork. Apparently my missing column is at the bottom of my page--I have no idea why--but at least you've saved me from my blogroll withdrawal. Regardless, I am still miffed with BlogSpot. And my page is Not Pretty which is just going to render me cranky until they...
Laundry: the great thought-provoker
Hey, it's Saturday night. Those of you with lives are... not in front of the computer. Perhaps you are out on the town, or socializing, or just enjoying a quiet evening with those you love. But not me! No sir! Ever the rebel, I have seized the evening to catch up on laundry. Before going to bed early. Cuz I'm such a wild one. Look out. Moving on.... Here are the things upon which I have mused, tonight: 1) No matter how long I leave the clean laundry in the basket--even if I've moved said basket upstairs to the convenient...
Help me; for I am sad and pixelated
Tonight I had a brilliant idea. And it was the following: Hey! In spite of never letting anyone take my picture--hence the paucity of pictures of myself that Don't Completely Suck--once a couple of years ago I had to have my picture taken for the paper. And I behaved! And wore lipstick, even! And I think I still have that picture! And wouldn't that picture be nifty on my blog? Only, it isn't nifty at all, for BlogSpot is evil. BlogSpot takes my bee-yoo-tee-ful picture of me, and shrinks it down in such a way that I am actually scary in the thumbnail to the right. So I have tried and tried to...
“… all my life i’ve been searching for something, something never comes never leads to nothing…”
Really, I am only doing this post to cheer up Zoot and show her she's not the only freak magnet out there. As we all know by now, there are plenty of freaks to go around! Also, between Friday Facts and Fiction and hitting the grocery store today, my energy is pretty well tapped out. (Yes, ladies and gentlemen--nearly 3 weeks post-op, and I still possess the energy level of your average door stop.) So, behold! A smattering of searches that have led folks to my blog this month: "diet drinks sodas unhealthy for kids June 2004" Oooookay. Which is more puzzling? The fact that someone is searching...
It’s almost Friday…
... and you know what that means! Leave me your queries for Fact and Fiction Friday in the comments below, and I will address them tomorrow. If you're new to this, here's how it works: you, my readers, leave questions of any sort (it has tended to be nosey questions about my life, but you can ask anything). I then answer them. Sort of. Well, I always answer them. Sometimes I tell the truth, and sometimes I don't. (Get it? Fact and Fiction, see how that works?) Sometimes I tell you whether I'm being truthful or not and sometimes I don't. Sometimes it's amusing. Sometimes it's lame. Sometimes...