Woohoo! Articles

Love is worth the wait

Almost eighteen years ago I sat down in an auditorium next to a fellow eighteen- year-old who had dark hair, bright blue eyes, an earring (oh, a bad boy!) and an attitude almost as big as my own. I immediately set out to make him fall in love with me, but he was willful, you see. He found me amusing. He liked me. But he would not bend. (Okay, he was dating someone else. Details.) I told him we would end up together. He would laugh. Regardless, that was the beginning of a friendship that survived through our other relationships and our various moves around the country, and he still loves to...

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There’s no “pretty good” category

The very pretty Jackie nominated me for a whole slew of these Bloggers Choice awards, and I don't really know what they are or if I should care, but here's a handy link to go vote if you are so compelled. (I'm only linking the parenting category because, um, I'm lazy.) I have a problem with trying to label things as "best" because my world is populated by endless shades of grey and I have a natural aversion to such absolutes, but in the absence of contests with easier-to-determine measures, I guess I'll have to take what I can get. There's no "Most brutally honest about how much therapy her...

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Love is the best bargain ever

But the last-minute deals on flights aren't bad, either. Thanks for traveling with Orbitz. This e-mail confirms the ticket number(s) issued for the "Atlanta 11/23/06" trip. This year, thankful doesn't even begin to cover it. But right now I have to go pack. Happy Thanksgiving, and happy Love Thursday.

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Mir and Otto, sittin’ in a tree

I was totally going to make y'all wait for further details, because I was sure I'd have an even better story to tell you tonight about how Chickadee had a couple of teeth pulled, but things went awry. Instead of having two teeth extracted per the orthodontist's instructions, this afternoon Chickadee had a shot of novocaine and became hysterical. After a few bits of poking around in her mouth (to ever-louder anguished wails, despite not flinching a bit at being jabbed with a pointy instrument when she wasn't paying attention) we were sent away with a referral to an oral surgeon. Laughing gas,...

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Love is choosing joy

Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods. ---Plato     Joy, wonder and amazement. And most of all, love.   Happy Love Thursday.

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Love has wicked cold toes

Love is having a really frustrating, rotten, horrible, aggravating day yesterday and then losing my sitter and running around frantic to find someone who can come stay with the kids so that I can get to the airport, and then getting to the airport, finally, and mostly forgetting all about the stupidness that came earlier in the day. Love is sitting here working, and being able to glance over at this and feeling that right now, all is right with the world. Happy Love Thursday, everyone.

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My Mir went to BlogHer and all I got was this lousy synopsis

I am home! I am exhausted! And I am (apparently) still on Pacific time, so here I am. I am RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT licking my cable modem, because it's just so goshdarned nice to, you know, HAVE INTERNET. (My favorite internet-connectivity---or lack thereof---moment from this weekend: Someone leaning over to me and saying, "You know, even at a conference that isn't ABOUT THE INTERNET I can CHECK MY EMAIL.") We brought the system to its knees, I guess, and it turns out that I really CAN live for a few days without checking my email or blogging, though it was touch-and-go there for a little...

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Best. Conference. EVAH.

The freebies here are NOT TO BE BELIEVED. I offer for your consideration, this lovely item made available by ThisNext. It really has to be seen to be believed. Don't believe? Take a look. Here we have our kick-ass freebie modelled by the lovely Her Bad Mother of this place. I may just skip the rest of the conference.

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Things I Might Once Have Said


Quick Retail Therapy

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