Wouldn't it be funny if I came across a perfect job listing for me; local, big company, as a writer/proofreader, and I got all excited about it and whipped out a cover letter and my resume and emailed it off with glee and then in one horrible stomach-turning moment reread my letter and realized it contained an error? My letter. Defending my suitability as a proofreader. Containing a careless error. That's entertainment, baby. Yep, that'd be funny.
Job? Huh? Articles
What color is my parachute? Perplexed.
I'm aware that, technically, perplexed is not a color. But I expect you to work with me here a little bit, plus I am a pathological liar. Only for the purposes of imagery and feeding my offspring, though. (Tonight at dinner I told my son that rice pilaf tastes just like macaroni and cheese. Which is more wrong; that Mr. Picky actually agreed with me and ate it, or that I told him that in the first place?) So, this whole job hunt thing. It's getting down to the wire. I have widened my search quite a bit from where I started. Now I'm pretty much looking for anything that pays more than minimum...
Resume revisions
My resume is boring. It doesn't even begin to capture the real me. This could be why I'm having trouble finding a job, because my resume makes it sound like I only have a selection of mainstream skills. I'm thinking of making up a new resume that includes all of my special skills. I'm not sure what sort of job it would land me, but I'm guessing I'd really like the people who hired me. Help me decide which of the following deserves to be included in my updated resume. 1) I can juggle. (Everyone should know how to juggle.) 2) I can walk on stilts. (Not as useful, but a fun party trick. If...
When I grow up, I want to be… employed
The time has come for me to resume my job search In Earnest. I resolved to take the summer off... remember my plans for this summer and how great it was going to be? It's been just like I pictured it! Except not at all! Because it turns out that a hysterectomy can really throw a kink into your beach plans. You wouldn't think you'd need a uterus for building sandcastles or anything, and really it's not the uterus itself, but the post-surgical time period where you hope for death for about five weeks just does not put you in a frolicking, beachy mood. Who knew? Anyway. August is nearly upon...