Retail Therapy Articles

Astroturf would’ve been easier

The kids were off with their dad this weekend, so Otto and I immediately set about making fancy romantic plans for ourselves. You know the sort---a run to the hardware store, a few hours spent cleaning up the office, meal-planning for the week and fetching groceries, and a trip to the local flooring place. What? You don't express your love for each other through home maintenance? Pfffft. Actually (and this is probably more about me than you wanted to know) (sorry!) the very idea of tearing up the carpet in our living room really does get me all hot and bothered. (Oooh baby!) There are many,...

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If only funny came in a wrap dress

There aren't words to adequately describe how completely ANNOYED I was when I dashed off yesterday's post, and even as I wrote it I thought to myself that folks would probably suggest I take a nice hot bath or perhaps half a bottle of Xanax and go have some quiet time. But no, it turned into One Of Those Things where my extensive premeditation was "GAH!" and yet it turned out to be a piece that went over really well. We'll not discuss the times I slave over a piece of writing, convinced it's marvelous, and the reaction is a resounding chorus of crickets chirping. It's a Murphy's Law...

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Sometimes it doesn’t take much

This Love Thursday, I'd like to acknowledge that I married the sort of man who will tell someone "we just ordered my new computer and I'm dancing!" and then---when they say "I'd like to see that"---makes a video and posts it to the internet. Truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way. Laughter is good for the soul, and Otto will be nourishing my soul with his utter dorkitude for a long, long time. Happy Feet from woulda on Vimeo.   And while Otto is obviously my one true love, yesterday's dance led to remembering another favorite LOVAH of mine.   You see, I'm the sort of person...

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I can haz style?

I am sincerely afraid to open my Discover bill this month. Oh, it's true that I never spend much on anything. But a little here, a little there... it adds up, particularly when getting ready for Christmas. And a 1,000 mile car trip with two kids. And when finding such awesome deals at Amazon that I cannot possibly let them pass by. At this point I am pretty sure that my UPS man curses my name every time he pulls up at my house. (But, hey, it's not MY fault that when you order a tub of Legos from Amazon, they send each brick individually, for a total of 750 boxes on the doorstep.) This is, of...

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Merry Christmas, you smell

I love Christmas. I love everything about it. This is what happens when you grow up Jewish and realize that accepting Christ into your heart means pretty shiny ornaments on a twinkling tree and stockings hung by the chimney with care. Overdone commercialism aside (can we put that aside? can we pretend to, at least?), I love the whole season of anticipation. Plus, we already know that I love to shop, so what better way to indulge my love of a good bargain hunt than to go searching for goodies for all of my loved ones? It's a little slice of heaven. (And just in case there was any doubt at all...

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The road to hell is paved with justified purchases

You know what today is, right? No, no... not Halloween. I mean, yes, it IS Halloween, but that's not what I'm talking about. OBVIOUSLY it's Halloween, and I know that mostly because I spent three hours last night finishing Monkey's costume, because I am nothing if not a champion procrastinator. Today is the day our new dining room table and chairs are available for pick-up! Oh, did I not mention that? About the dining room furniture? I totally meant to. I mean, inbetween NOT buying any furniture because THE MONEY, OH GOD THE MONEY and then HOORAY! IT'S ON SALE NOW! and this other big thing...

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A very special talent

So if you had the WHOLE DAY to go do absolutely anything you wanted to WITHOUT CHILDREN, what would you do? If you were me and Otto, you'd (finally!) go over to Pier 1 with that $25 gift card the realtor gave us in June and promptly fall in love with the most expensive dining room table and chairs in the place. (It costs... slightly more than $25.) (And by "slightly" I of course mean HOLY HELL, BACK AWAY FROM THE LEATHER CHAIRS WHILST YOU OWN TWO HOUSES, CRAZYHEADS.) The rest of the day was sort of a wash, after that. We had to use the rest of the afternoon to ponder whether we're stupid...

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. . . for my tote bag tells me so

This morning while the children slurped their Cheerios and I slumped at the kitchen table, half awake, sipping at my orange juice, Otto slid a section of newspaper across the tabletop to me. PUBLIX GRAND OPENING TODAY, 7:00 AM! I checked the clock. 6:45. Chickadee craned her neck, allowing her to read sideways instead of just upside down. "MOM! It's today! You should go right now! Otto can take us to school!" Methinks my daughter is tired of walking up and down the aisles at Kroger with me while I comment on the fruit flies, the gray meat, and the fact that no one seems to actually work...

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About 1000 pieces

Chickadee and I have been talking about working on a jigsaw puzzle together as sort of our special girl time project. For whatever reason she doesn't consider all of the things we do together on any given day to count as special time, things like cooking or doing laundry or discussing why none of her jeans fit her anymore on account of she grew three inches this summer or me yelling at her to pick her junk up off the floor. Go figure. So we decided to get a puzzle and set it up in the dining room and try to work on it a little bit every day. The challenge, of course, will be that she wants...

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Things I Might Once Have Said


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