I want you to know that I feel extremely lame posting these as the follow-up to having spent an evening with Ludacris, but I can't be rubbing elbows (or grabbing asses) with celebrities ALL the time. I tire easily, y'all. I'm a delicate flower, you know. Nevertheless, a few links for you if you just cannot get enough of me (I know, I know): WIN: I'm hosting a really neat Father's Day contest at Want Not that you may want to check out if you or Dad are sports fans. READ: Who doesn't love dairy? Communists (and vegans) (sorry, vegans!), that's who. I'm going to be writing a series for the...
Job? Huh? Articles
Next time, I’ll eat breakfast
Hello! Thanks for bearing with me yesterday. I thought I was going to have more time to blog about it, but I didn't. Yesterday I: Was woken up at 3:00 in the morning by a hysterical child, got out of bed for the day at 4:00, was on the road before 5:00, slapped myself repeatedly on the way to the airport lest I fall asleep in the car, boarded a plane, got off the plane, was picked up by a man approximately 5 feet tall who had parked somewhere in the next county and most emphatically did NOT want to chat, put a full face of make-up on in the car while trying not to be carsick, got dropped off...
Me blog pretty (and a bonus)
I did my second stint as a guest speaker in a journalism class this morning, and I am once again reminded that there is no greater privilege than shaping young minds. Wait, what? Geez, I'm sorry. Sometimes when I haven't had enough coffee, a large LOAD OF CRAP falls out of my mouth (fingers). It sounded nice, though, didn't it? Oh, I love college students. LOVE THEM! I do. Except for how they're so young and I feel like a senior citizen when I'm around them. And how they come to a 9:00 lecture and take a nap in the back of the auditorium. Yes, I saw you. And you, too. I know it's Monday, but...
If only funny came in a wrap dress
There aren't words to adequately describe how completely ANNOYED I was when I dashed off yesterday's post, and even as I wrote it I thought to myself that folks would probably suggest I take a nice hot bath or perhaps half a bottle of Xanax and go have some quiet time. But no, it turned into One Of Those Things where my extensive premeditation was "GAH!" and yet it turned out to be a piece that went over really well. We'll not discuss the times I slave over a piece of writing, convinced it's marvelous, and the reaction is a resounding chorus of crickets chirping. It's a Murphy's Law...
I don’t know how normal people do it
I'm one of those people... you know, one of those annoying "Everything happens for a reason!" types. Now, I never use it as a means to deny the inherent suckitude of a situation, and in fact when I miscarried my first pregnancy I entertained many intricate and violent fantasies of what I'd like to do to the nosy old biddy who was our landlady at the time, every time she assured me that it was fine because "everything happens for a reason," but on a grander scale, yes, I think things do tend to come together as they're meant to. (Even when that means ending a sentence with a preposition,...
There are (much) worse jobs
Today I am busy bemoaning the fact that I am sick (it was just a little cold until I wrote about it yesterday, at which point the fickle hand of fate gave me a mighty FLICK towards it being something much stronger and yuckier), and this morning after I got the kids off to school I sat down to work. And after about ten minutes, our internet went out. I am tired and cranky and hopped up on Sudafed, so I did the only logical thing: I whined until Otto said he'd take care of it. He poked and prodded in our office, and then decided that it was indeed the cable company's fault, nothing we'd done...
Why WiredHub can kiss my ass
It feels rather anti-climactic, honestly, at this point. I mean, I got all of my data back, I'm happily running on a much better server through a company with awesome customer support (Fusix! We love Fusix!), and so maybe it doesn't really matter that WiredHub fucked up royally last week, at this point. Except that it does. It matters for a few reasons. It matters because they're a service provider that failed to provide, you know, basic service. It matters because their customer service is atrocious and in this day and age, businesses simply cannot afford to treat their customers badly and...
Drowning my angst in the words
Hey! Know what would be funny? If the "I need a night to sleep on it" from the homeowner turned into a full 24 hours that ended with "Gee, I need another day." That would be HYSTERICAL. Oh. Wait. Actually, THAT wouldn't be hysterical so much as that it would cause ME to be hysterical. Small matter of nuance, I suppose. To offset the sheer joy of being me right now, you may have noticed I've been working a lot. Well, there's another place to find me up and running, now, and I swear not to talk houses over there at all. Well, not unless they're dollhouses.
Occupation: freelance smiter
I wrote my first unprompted creative masterpiece while in the fourth grade. It stood out from my previous writing in that it was long enough to have separate chapters, first of all. Secondly, it featured as a central plot point the fact that the house the main characters lived in had a large hole in the ceiling of the family room which they'd somehow never noticed before. (See? Twenty-six years of practice and I'm no less verbose, but at least my stories tend to make a little more sense, now. This is why I like to stick to reality; my lies tend to have large plot holes.) It took me a long...