Hello! Thanks for bearing with me yesterday. I thought I was going to have more time to blog about it, but I didn’t.
Yesterday I: Was woken up at 3:00 in the morning by a hysterical child, got out of bed for the day at 4:00, was on the road before 5:00, slapped myself repeatedly on the way to the airport lest I fall asleep in the car, boarded a plane, got off the plane, was picked up by a man approximately 5 feet tall who had parked somewhere in the next county and most emphatically did NOT want to chat, put a full face of make-up on in the car while trying not to be carsick, got dropped off at a restaurant whereupon I realized that I hadn’t eaten anything all day and was about to either faint or be sick or possibly eat the next person who spoke to me, sat around chatting with some lovely ladies and had a delicious crab cake and later some goat cheese balls (which were both delicious and are fun to say, because GOAT CHEESE BALLS!), talked and talked and talked some more, tried to look serious while typing on my laptop, finally made it to my hotel, checked in, dropped off my stuff, ran into Kathryn, ate a burger as big as my head (with Kathryn, which I highly recommend), went to a little shindig the Sk*rt ladies put on, and came back here to the hotel and collapsed.
So, I’m here in NYC for BlogHer Business, which starts today, but because I like for everything to be as complicated and as stressful as possible, first I came into town early to participate in a segment for the Today Show.
As you may have guessed, I blog for a living because I really love being on television.
Um, let’s just say that I was my fair share of nervous, heading into it. As in, I have been FUHREAKING OUT over what to wear and what to do and OH MY GOD I AM GOING TO BE STUPID ON TELEVISION. And my HAIR. MY HAIR IS ALSO STUPID. Etc.
Clearly, NBC came knocking on my door for my hair. Fools, all of them.
Anyway, the amount of stress that preceded the actual event was—in retrospect—rather hilarious, because 1) all that worrying does nothing to actually help prepare and 2) the shoot itself was actually tons of fun if you overlook all the time you have to spend sitting around and the filler stuff where they make you type on your laptop and look up at the camera and all of that.
I would like to note for the record that I went shopping no less than five times to find the perfect outfit to wear on television, and in the end I wore something I’ve owned for years. There’s a lesson in there, but I am too busy admiring my pretty, shiny shoes to understand what it might be.
Oh, there were some other people there, too.

Perhaps you recognize Kristen and Jill? We made quite the trio. Jill is the consummate businesswoman, all polish and panache; Kristen was born to be in front of the camera, speaking with animation on every topic; and I mostly tried to make sure my boobs didn’t fall out of my shirt and that I didn’t talk with my mouth full.
You think I’m kidding, but those goat cheese balls were REALLY GOOD.
Anyway, no, I don’t know when it’s going to air, yet, but I will let you know as soon as I know. To see more pictures and all the juicy details, read all about it over here.
Beautiful ladies! Can’t wait to watch you ‘live.’
PS That shirt is an ideal color for you!
Sounds like a fun day – except for the not eating part and the getting up early part.
Your hair is fine. You are lovely. I can’t wait to see you on TV.
Also, your glasses are cute. And is that a Superhero necklace?
Shirt is gorgeous – perfect color, nice shape without being fussy – you look fabulous! I think I will make goat cheese balls for tonight’s salad. Because I’m a child. And I have children. And we will eat them and snerk and say goat cheese balls. A lot.
Wow. How much fun was that? Good for you. And yay GOAT CHEESE BALLS, thank goodness for the CHEESE part.
All three of you look great – and I can’t wait to see the segment, whenever its on! ;)
Congrats on the Today Show segment. That is awesome! It was so great to meet you last night! :)
You look so thin and cute in that outfit– it will look great on camera!
Y’all look swell. Your shirt is that perfect “tv blue” that I often see news anchors wear that stands out, yet flatters. You are a goddess for already having it in your closet. I would’ve had to full out storm the mall to find something to wear that doesn’t fall into one of my everyday categories of “stained”, “old”, “ratty” or “t-shirt”.
And goat cheese balls made the nine year old in me snicker. Because, well, GOAT CHEESE BALLS! Â
Wonderful!! Can’t wait to hear when it will air. And all you look beautiful! I agree with someone above, that color on you is awesome.
My Tivo is on standby…
You’ve come a long way, baby. ;)
Let us know when to set the DVR!
Is that you? In the middle? Hooray! I finally get to see what you look like. The Work It mom photo doesn’t really convey much. Can’t wait to watch it. Is Matt as nice as he seems?
You look fabulous. Even without purple hair.
I am a religious today show watcher!!! Please let us know, when!!
What a great trip!!! I hope you are having fun!
I am off to clean house and laugh while I say, “Goat Cheese Balls!!!” All day long! :)
You must let us know for sure. I’ll have to Tivo it.
Goat Cheese Balls!
Yeah, that’s a nice ditty to be massaging to all day.
Hey!! I know someone who’s gonna be on the Today Show! Well, I don’t “know you” know you, but I think I know you. You know?
P.S. I am reminded of you each time I see that new commercial on TV for the store which ryhmes with V.J. Slaxx. You know the one? The pretty woman is translating for a foreign dignitary and she takes the opportunity to proclaim loudly and proudly about her bargain outfit? My favorite part is when she looks down at her shoes and squeaks, “So cute!” It’s SO you.
So cool! Despite your run-in with Napoleon, the lack of food and the boob-worrying, it sounds like an amazing day.
I know this will come as a complete surprise, but I’ve never had GOAT CHEESE BALLS. Something new to try.
Congratulations on your first ever TV appearance! What fun! You looked lovely! And so skinny! Stop it!
Congratulations – all three of you look great! I can not WAIT to see it on TV!
Wow, that’s really, really cool!!! Love your top, you look great. Congrats!
Eeeeeee! Can’t wait to see it! Did you get to see Matt?
Oh, and I think I have that exact same shirt. Except I have to wear a tank top under mine b/c I’m always so paranoid about my boobs falling out!
I am planning to work “goat cheese balls” into every conversation I have today. Just because.
My Tivo awaits further instruction…
From one curly girl to another (so you know I’m being honest) dude your hair looks fabulous. Seriously, you look so pretty! Great color on you! But you talk of shoes, yet don’t show them??? What’s up with that? I’m dying to see the segment.
My TiVo too is waiting….
My almost-ten-year-old said to me yesterday, in very solemn tones, “Mommy, did you know that breakfast is the MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY?!” : ) Seems appropriate, somehow…
Cool! I watch Today Every morning.. will be sure to watch when your one!
You are gorgeous.
How fun! You all look great!!
Oooh, wow, I get to see what Mir looks like! In case you’re curious, I’ve been picturing you something like this: http://www.gccrwa.com/skphoto.jpg I was close, right? ;)
You look cute in that picture but you look way better eating a giant cheese burger and a $15 coke while experiencing sensory overload.
It’s official! You are one of the beautiful people, and now we have the picture to prove it. Congrats! I’m so happy for you… and when is that segment airing?