So I think I mentioned that I'm doing The Vagina Monologues again, this year. (Do you live in northeast Georgia? You should totally come see it next week!) I love everything about being in this show. EVERYTHING. I love being in a show, period. I love being surrounded by a group of kick-ass women. I love raising money for a worthy cause. I love knowing we're raising awareness. I love the way Monkey's face contorts when he references, "That... SHOW... you're in." (One day I started reciting my lines in the car and he said, "What the HECK, Mom? YOU ARE INAPPROPRIATE.") Basically, it's all good....
It’s not a regret, it’s an “experience” Articles
We interrupt this funk with some noise
I do my best stressing-out in bed. It's my gift. Also, it makes me pretty much the greatest spouse ever, because what is sexier than a person who gets into bed at night and immediately begins crying and/or agonizing over a variety of unfixable and unhappy life circumstances? Nothing! ROAWR! Otto is a lucky, lucky man. Fortunately for me, Otto is also a patient, patient man. Why, in the last year or so of... uh, challenges... Otto has even relented somewhat on his position about bedtime snuggling, now pretty much reflexively pulling me into a cuddle the moment I start fretting after the...
Clean up, move on
By all accounts, 2013 is so far turning out a lot better than 2012. Of course, the bar was set pretty low, but still. I know January 1st is arbitrary as Markers Of Life is concerned. That didn't stop Otto and me from looking forward to that flip of the calendar page as if our lives depended on it. And with nearly 1/12 of this year behind us, we remain hopeful that this year is Better. And it is. We are all trucking along in our various paths towards some kind of normalcy. The days of Constant High Alert, Holy Shit The Sky Continues To Fall are over. Maybe. What I am learning about myself is...
Pssst, pass it down
Today I climbed into the wayback machine and spent some time fondly remembering all of those notes I wrote during classes in middle and high school. I view it as a necessary stage of my adolescence, really, the Writing Notes stage. Nowadays, of course, kids only have the put-their-heads-down-and-text-all-day-long stage. I think it's different. Not necessarily bad, mind you, but different, and maybe just a little too quick. Then again, I'm a known curmudgeon, so what do I know? Well, I know that I'm over at Feel More Better today, and I kind of wish teens would try writing notes, again. It...
I’m awkward, and maybe a liar, but not a hipster
About two years ago, I went to a new optical place to have my eyes checked and to get new glasses. Some quick math reveals that I had already been living in Georgia for... erm... three and a half years, by then, and it was my first eye exam in this state. Prior to then, I'd just assumed my prescription was fine and not bothered with an exam. Oops. But by the time I went in, I was having trouble seeing. I knew I needed an updated prescription. So off I went, and I was introduced to the wonder that was the ocular pressure testing wand and I got fitted for daily contact lenses and it was all...
One of the things I found myself doing yesterday (and several days prior)---before I wrote about the difference between Young Blogging Me and the current Old And Smarter But Fatter And Crankier Me---was going back and reading some of my old posts. I don't do this very often. And usually, you know, I remember stuff I wrote about before (duh), but occasionally a post is a COMPLETE surprise (read: repressed memory), and very often, something falls into the realm of "Oh, I remember that, but until I read this, I had kinda-sorta forgotten." So it was just yesterday that I found myself rereading...
Shut up, hindsight
One of the interesting side effects of having cut waaaaaaaay back on working and marketing myself last year is that I am no longer a Hot Internet Commodity. Bloggers are a dime a dozen, after all, and the thing is, I always had really mixed feelings about that whole Hot Internet Commodity thing, anyway. So now I'm doing all of this Restructuring and Goal-Setting and Planning For The Future and blah blah blah (wake up! I'm getting to a point here!) and trying to decide whether I even WANT to "raise my visibility" to where it used to be. Even writing that out makes me want to punch myself in...
Some things bear repeating
Today I'm over at Feel More Better, talking about words, choosing them carefully, and repeating the important ones. As a person who's spent most of my life trying to edit down the amount of stuff that comes out of my mouth (or my fingertips), it's been interesting to realize that not everything that's repetitive is is bad. Come on over and weigh in---can you embrace being redundant? I'm trying to.
Various thoughts, both deep and not
I laid around with my virus-that-is-not-the-flu-dammit for a couple of days, and then I felt better and got up and did stuff. Then I felt sort of sick again. Then better. Now I am just annoyed by the whole thing; there is little I find as vexing as being sort-of-sick. Either I want to be Justifiably Ill and free to take to my bed without guilt, or I want to be well. This in-between thing where I just feel kind of punky is aggravating. Make up your mind, immune system! So for however many days, there, dinnertime would roll around and I'd be all, "Oh, you're hungry? Okay... ummmm... I think...