You are winners! I am a loser!

By Mir
October 12, 2009

I just whacked my head. Twice. Really hard. Because I’m all graceful and stuff.

The good news is that I am feeling better, if still somewhat run-over-by-a-truck-ish. The bad news is that it’s raining again and lest you think I’m just randomly whining about a few sprinkles, our pool is actually overflowing. This is not rain so much as WRATH OF A VERY SOGGY GOD. So I was trying to drain some water from the pool via the big filter thingie under the porch, and I whacked my head on the way in (because I was wearing a jacket with the hood up, on account of the rain, and my vision was obscured and also, I’m not very bright) and *SLAM* head meets support beam. I saw some pretty stars.

I set the filter up to remove water from the pool and then wandered out to empty the skimmer basket, and while doing so, stepped in some fire ants. Yes. Distracted by that, I managed to return to the filter and hit my head a second time, at which point I abandoned all pretense of being brave and emitted a sound that could only be heard by dogs and dolphins, and roughly translates to something I cannot say in polite company.

I’m kind of my own episode of The Three Stooges, today.

Fortunately, I had taken sufficient time to deliberate over all of your excellent category name suggestions prior to hitting my head, which is good, because now I don’t know who any of you are or why we are here. Could someone teach me how to tie my shoes again?

Anyway, you are all very clever, and pretty, and I’ll have you know that I had a terrible time choosing just one category to correctly embody the spirit of our newest family member.

I very much enjoyed the various plays on Licorice, like Casey‘s brilliant suggestion of “Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder,” or Nancy‘s suggestion of “Fennel of the Kennel.” That was genius, ladies.

I also quite liked Michele‘s suggestion of “Lick Me Baby One More Time.” Haaaaaaa.

There were others I liked, too. But in the end, I could only choose one. And it had to be something that felt like the best fit for this space. And so, our new category comes to us by way of Cindy, who suggested, “Oh look, something furry!” As distracted as I find myself by this small creature, that just felt like the right choice.

Cindy, you’ll be receiving some books from me as a thank-you—look for my email and we’ll work out the deets.

And as a thank-you to everyone who played (that was fun, wasn’t it?), I give you the Very Best Part of having a doggie in a life jacket:


(Handy dog-top handle makes for easy transport.)


  1. David

    Now, that’s just too dog-gone handy! =)

  2. David

    Also, I hope your head feels better soon.

  3. Kellie

    Hope you’re feeling better!

    And if I didn’t know better, I’d say your puppy looks down right (dog-gone) happy to be in her spiffy vest! :)

    Have a great day!

  4. Annette

    Darn, I had one more….Fido Fodder:). I like what you picked, though. Kind of feels like an inside joke for those of us that have been around. Also, I guess it would hurt the pool to be overflowing???? Not a pool owner.

  5. ChristieNY

    Love the new category name! And I hope your head feels better soon, yeowch!

  6. Half Assed Kitchen

    Think he’d qualify as carry-on luggage?

  7. Megan

    Does this mean that we count as polite company? All of us?? I HAVE to phone my mother and let her know…

  8. karen

    Mir, glad to know you’re feeling better – and love the life-jacket pic. I have two for my two small dogs, we actually kayak together! Will post a pic sometime.

  9. Randi

    Yay! Glad to know you’re feeling better – except for the noggin, that is.

    Licorice is adorable in the jacket, even though it STILL confuses me, as dogs can swim! :) But yeah, better safe than sorry!

  10. feefifoto

    She’s a Porta-Pup!

  11. Heather

    Haha very cute! I’m totally against the dogs in clothing thing, but for the lifejacket, I’ll make an exception ;) Also, I snorted at “the wrath of a soggy God.” You are ever so funny.

  12. Tracy

    That Licorice is so cute. But the expression on her face says something maybe not so cute. ha!

  13. Ann from Minnesota

    Try that with an 80 pound black lab! Also – I commiserate with you about the rain. I am in Minnesota and I actually shoveled snow this morning. That is wrong on so many levels, even in Minnesota!

  14. Catherine

    You had a bad day, but you are pretty! Look, something furry! It has a handle! That picture made my day.

    Congrats to Cindy for the winning title!

  15. Nancy

    Nancy of fennel fame thinks you made the perfect choice!

  16. Kris

    Every time my daughters (or my husband for that matter) crack their melons, I always ask, “Did you finally knock some sense into yourself?”

    That’s because I am the mean mom/wife. I won’t say it to you. You’re far too pretty and cool and such. I hope your head feels better and you didn’t knock any sense into yourself…um…wait…

    Never mind. ;D

  17. Cele

    I’ve now seen just about everything. He kind of looks like one of those doggie handbags. Yeah, I know. I’m going to bed.

  18. Cindy

    Thanks again Mir and all your friendly commenters as well! I liked the other entries too.

    Licorice looks super cute in a life jacket :)

  19. Michele Bardsley

    Ouch! Sorry about the head trauma.

    Congrats to Cindy! And thanks for the mention in your blog. :-) I had fun thinking up category names. Loved the picture of Licorice in his life vest/carrying case.

    Michele :-)

  20. Brigitte

    It was fun reading all the entries!

    Oog. I’d take the second hit on the head as a sign that I should remain safely on the sofa for the rest of the day.

  21. Sheila

    I kind of wish they had handles on kid life jackets, too.

  22. Debbi

    Great choice! It fits you perfectly :-) Hope your week improves too! LOL

  23. MomCat

    Very appropriate suggestion! I like it! : ) And may I just say, there is a stunning array of crash helmets out this season, for the busy mother.

  24. Laura

    nice purse!

  25. Casey

    Yeah for Cindy! I must tell you, I really LIKE the winning entry. I bow out (un)gracefuly and applaud the winner!

  26. Katie in MA

    Oh, yay! That catergory title is so very YOU. :)

    And I love, love, LOVE the look on Licorice’s face! It says ‘Yes! I am adorable in so many poses!’

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