Test (edited)

By Mir
October 16, 2006
Category Uncategorized

Just testing out AntiLeech, folks. I’ll take this post down in a bit.

Edited to add: Okay, I’m leaving it up. Bitacle is still siphoning my content and AntiLeech doesn’t appear to be working properly. Whether that’s because I set it up wrong or bitacle is getting around it, I’m not certain. Back to the drawing board.


  1. Ben

    Heh. I wouldn’t be an obnoxious stalker/fan if I didn’t comment on a test post…

  2. Mom101

    I know it’s just a test but…that’s AWESOME. Makeit a real post! People should know about this.

  3. Alison

    I’ll have to check this out. Bitacle can bite me. Thanks for the link.

  4. Leech

    Why do you hate me so?

  5. JGS

    When I just checked the AnitLeech site, their server had some trouble. It seems intermittent. Maybe that is part of why it is not working for you???

  6. Sheila

    I have no idea what any of this means. But if someone is stealing your stuff, I’d be happy to make a batch of gluten-free brownies and send it to them. These Bitech whoosits can bite on them for a while.

  7. Irina

    Feeeeh, I hate leeches (sorry, Leech!)!!! I think that this thing is as nasty as its name!!! ;)

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