
By Mir
February 13, 2005

(Please sing to the tune of “Anticipation” in your head. Or out loud, if you like that sort of thing.)

I never knew about the days to come
But I tried to face them anyway
And I wonder if I got everything done
Or if I’ll be up late another day

Organization, Organization
Is keeping me sane
Is keeping me running

Four loads of laundry, groceries, valentines, and more
Dishes, errands, and a movie night
Work’s done; now, jammies and popcorn and kids
They snuggle into me and everything is just right

Organization, Organization
Is keeping me sane
Is keeping me running

And tomorrow we head back to work and school
The house is clean, I’ve smothered my sweet loves
It went too fast, I want more time at home
But the weekend’s gone (I still can’t find my gloves)


  1. RockStar Mommy

    I spent the whole day cleaning too … and I feel sooooo good now. I love a clean house.

  2. alison

    Damn it woman, you’ve got me singing. Never a good idea when your singing scares the kids. Still at least the house is sparkly.

  3. alektra

    Hooray for getting into the swing of things! I’m so glad things are to where they should be in the Mir world. :)

  4. Michele

    Great song. I hummed it, I sung it quietly and then I sung it aloud.
    Neighbourhood dogs did back up.

    It was very impressive.

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