My 15 seconds

By Mir
January 16, 2005
Category About

Thanks to the lovely folks at Mosaic Minds, I am this month’s Chick Pick in their “Kindred Spirits” edition.

I’m humbled that they found me interesting enough to write about, and thank the ever-talented Beverly for doing such a nice write-up. Check out the entire issue, won’t you?


  1. RockStar Mommy

    Congrats. I can’t think of many others that deserve such a dazzling write up!! :)

  2. susan

    Very nice. You should be proud.

  3. Jennifer

    She did a great job, with a deserving subject. I love the whole “accountability” facet of blogging vs. journaling you describe. It’s perfectly put and so true. Congrats! Nicely done.

  4. Mom

    WOW! Nice. Very nice. :) You’re famous (again!) and deserve every nice word she wrote. Congrats, love.


  5. Mike

    Definitely an excellent chick pick for them. Congrats, a nice interview/write up about you!

  6. MetroDad

    Congrats, Mir! You came across as very thoughtful, self-aware and well-spoken…something that us loyalist fans of yours have known for awhile! Keep up the great blogging!

  7. Jules

    *thumbs up*

  8. Karen

    Uh … isn’t it 15 minutes? In any event, in your case, it should be. Great write-up. You’re my new she-ro!

  9. Robin

    I found your blog via Michele’s place, and I’m so glad I did. If it’s okay (well, I assume you won’t say, “no”) I’m going to BlogRoll you so I can check back frequently. I think it’s your title quote that got me… I live with all sorts of the “right regrets” and I can relate to a lot of your posts.

  10. Fraulein N

    Go, Mir! You totally deserve it!

  11. Suzanne

    Well that was very nicely said on both you and Beverly’s part! Congratulations!

  12. Carrie

    Thanks for taking the time out to let us interview you. I think that turned out to be one of our best Chick Picks that we’ve done thus far.

  13. Beverly

    Thanks again for agreeing to be interviewed (and thanks for linking to my blog — my hits were more than doubled yesterday! haha). We were all very pleased with the article, and I’m glad you liked it, too. :)

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