
By Mir
August 30, 2004

Training wheels: Discarded.

Bicycle: Still a slave to gravity.

Temperature: Over 90 when we concluded that we’d had enough riding for today.

Air conditioning: Cranked.

Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade: Played for an hour (then I peeled the child off the computer).

My super-special scrambled eggs: Devoured for lunch to gleeful proclamations about how much Monkey hates them and it’s great he’s not home.

Coupons: Clipped and organized.

Groceries: Purchased, loaded, put away.

Savings between coupons and store rewards: $32.73. I rock.

Four fresh cases of Diet Coke With Lime: Purchased at $2.22 each and making me very happy.

Pipecleaner insects: Carefully crafted, and enjoying the pipecleaner flowers.

One over-tired little brother: Retrieved from school, and spreading exhausted crankitude to all in his path.

Cereal and milk: A delicious and nutritious dinner.

Showers: Coming up next.


Things I Might Once Have Said


Quick Retail Therapy

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