Oh.my.God. This is just SO like me…
I mean, leave it to me to flipping save all of humankind and not even notice (or get credit). Thanks, Liz. I think. (Tell ya what… I’ll bring the butter for your toast and you can bring whatever goes well with the spoils of righteous–if somewhat oblivious–victory and we’ll make a celebration of it.)
More typical me:
1) Discovered this morning that I left the garage door open. All night. With the door to the house unlocked.
2) Woke up with a migraine, took my meds, asked the kids to play quietly, went back to bed for half an hour.
3) Got up to what can only be described as a spectacular explosion of the arts-n-crafts chest all over the kitchen.
4) I am brooding over a really bad decision I made a year ago today that came back to bite me several times, hard; and it might be cathartic to write about it, but as there is no spin I could put on said decision that wouldn’t make me look like a total asshat (I’m stealing the word, but giving credit where it’s due) I’m just gonna shut up and get back to wallowing.
Editing to add: If I fill in “Miriam” instead of “Mir” I’ll be creating some super-weapon in August of 2007. Apparently my more formal self doesn’t know how to harness her powers for good.