It’s in the oven right now

By Mir
December 31, 2005

In a little while we’re off to go party like it’s 2006. Woo! After we arrive my children will go run with a pack of feral minors, and I won’t see them again until it’s time to leave. I’ll go hang out with the grown-ups, and charm folks with my habit of saying smooth things like “I have crabs! Crabs DIP! HAHAHA!”

But it’s REALLY good crab dip. I promise. It’s served with squares of melba toast, which are merely a vehicle for getting the dip from the dish to your mouth. It’s a scientific fact that when the melba toast runs out, it can be replaced with chips of cardboard and no one will even notice.

Here’s to all good things in 2006. Or at least plenty of good snacks.


  1. Kestralyn

    MMMMM! Crab Dip! For our New Year’s Eve dinner, DH and I are having four different kinds of cheeses, crusty bread, luscious pears, and lots of wine… ‘spose I should go turn on the oven so the bread can get crusty, eh?

    Have a wonderful evening, and may your feral minors have as much fun as possible without having a tiredness meltdown!

  2. joaaanna

    Recipe please!!!

  3. Heather

    While ringing through live crabs in my job as a grocery cashier, I had salt water all over the place and so called for someone to bring me something to clean it up with…”Hey, can I get some paper towel please? I’ve got crabs.” Immediately realizing what I’d rather loudly said, I have to say it wasn’t my proudest moment. Funny, though. ;)

  4. Cyndi

    Happy New Year to all of you!

    No laundry, no dishes and no sweeping tomorrow!! Bad luck is your excuse…take the day off!!


  5. Betsy

    MMMmmm…crab dip. My children deprived me of crab dip this year, sob.

    Happiest of new years to you and yours!

  6. ben

    Woot! Are you home from the party yet?

    We watched “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” the kids were in bed by 10:00, and we watched the ball drop at 11:00 and called it a new year’s eve.

    (I’m stealing the ‘feral children’ sometime, btw)

  7. Emily G.

    Happy New Year! I hope this year brings you lots of joy and a well-hung Canadian stud who not only enjoys cooking and shoveling snow, he also manages to get along perfectly with both of your children and sweep you off your feet at the same time!

  8. AGK


  9. Angela

    Happy New Year, Your Royal Mirness! Looking forward to sharing joy and angst with you in 2006.

  10. Andie D.

    Gotta love the parties that allow the “grown ups” space away from the drunk monkeys!

    That, to me, is a party!

    Happy New Year!

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