Hey, how about we don’t talk about that thing. Or that other thing, either. Okay! Great!
I’ve been spending a lot of time with my vegetables. Quality time, you understand. I pull grass up out of the boxes a blade or two at a time and marvel at the plants that flourish seemingly in spite of me and try to coax the puny ones back to vigor. It’s very soothing.
In the meantime, I can’t help but notice how beautiful our big oak out back looks when reflected in the swampy murk that is currently the pool:
If I were a deeper person I’d probably make a comment about seeing beauty even in what’s broken, but because I’m not, I’ll just say that allegedly the pool guys are coming tomorrow. We’ll see.
That is some impressive swampy murk. Glad you and the vegetables are having a good time.
That looks… organic. Was that positive enough?
Deep breaths, deep breaths. This, too, shall pass. In the meantime, chocolate?
Wow, that DOES look beautiful reflected in the — shall we say, pond-like glamour? — of your swimming pool. It’s practically Walden over there. Maybe you can build a cabin next to the pool and live deliberately.
lol – totally made my morning, Aimee!
At least you can’t see the frogs or their eggs anymore?
Ok, so scoop the muck out of the pool and use it to fertilize the veggies!
That’s awesome!!!! Said no one ever!
It is a really pretty shade of green, maybe some lily pads would complete the look?
You know you totally sound like Vizzini in that opening line, right? (Hey, find your smiles where you can.)
Happy Day after Mother’s Day to you.
Happy Spring to you and your murky pool.
Happy, Happy, okay, that’s enough.
We’re really sorry Mir but something has suddenly come up and we’re not going to be able to make that pool party you invited us to.
It’s not big enough to be considered a lagoon, but perhaps there are tiny versions of “The Creature from the Black Lagoon.”
Hmm, let me share my not-swamp-related glee – there is MineCraft LEGO!
Even better, I managed to find this out, pre-order some, hide it away well, and give it to my unsuspecting son for his 13th birthday yesterday. I think it almost made up for the number of times people at the restaurant wished me Happy Mothers’ Day when we went out for a nice birthday dinner on Sunday :-)
I thought as the mom of a LEGO/MineCraft absorbed boy you might relate.
I enjoy quality time spent with my vegetables. Mine are much smaller than yours, giving my location in the North, but I get the idea. We’ve had craziness lately (water main damage leading up to major gas leak that forced us to evacuate our home at top speed with just the clothes on our backs), but I finally got the tomatoes and peppers and other bunny foods in. Now I can deal with the aesthetic planting – deadheading the daffodils, splitting a few hostas, etc. Funny how priorities line up.