
By Mir
April 28, 2005

I’m on a plane right now. Well, not when I wrote this. But when it’s set to publish, I’m in the sky.

My foot still hurts. I’ve decided to really concentrate on keeping it out of my mouth. I’m probably chewing on some ice right now, just to make sure I don’t slip up.

While I’m en route, have a peek at what a great weekend I’m gonna have!

Me: You are being such a dork.
Me: Won’t give me a straight answer.
Me: REFUSING to just say “Yes, that would be lovely if you treated once, I AM SURE IT WON’T CAUSE MY NUTS TO FALL OFF OR ANYTHING”
Him: I will allow you to pay on Saturday. and it will make me uncomfortable. I won’t like it. but I’ll live.
Me: I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I want you to just enjoy it.
Him: wait, my nuts might fall off?
Him: I gotta rethink this.
Him: paramedic number 1: “what happened?”
Him: paramedic number 2: “she paid the bill”
Him: paramedic number 1: “and he was’t wearing a cup?”
Him: paramedic number 2: “nope”
Him: paramedic number 1 “when will these guys learn, the testicles are very fragile?”
Him: paramedic number 2 “excuse me ma’am. we’ll take those.”


  1. Jules

    Just make sure you do this on the day you’re returning….because I’m sorta thinking that the whole nut dropping thing is gonna put one hellofa damper on any extras for the weekend ;)

  2. Amanda B.

    I hope you have a wonderful, blissful weekend darlin’. :D

  3. Lynn

    I’ve been lurking here a while, and I just want to tell you that you’ve become one of my favorite blogs – I love the stories about your kids, I feel for your struggles to keep it a ll together, and I really enjoy your sense of humor about it all.

    I’m so glad you have someone to go have fun with – have a great weekend!

  4. ben

    You are hopeless. You’re checking blogs while you should be on vacation.

    You know it’s true…

  5. Zuska

    If they DO fall off, just have them bronzed. It’ll make for an interesting paperweight.

    Have a fab weekend!

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