Love is grateful, for a solid week

By Mir
November 18, 2010

Thanksgiving is one week from today, and we are hosting dinner, and I’ve bought nothing. My desk looks like a cyclone hit it, I’m behind on work, and right now there is a big scary drama going on behind the curtain which I am tired of thinking about every single waking moment.


One week of gratefulness from me. Starting with this, for day one: I am grateful for my goofy gazelle of a girl-woman daughter, springing from childhood to young adulthood and back again faster than I can keep track. I am grateful for her never-failing ability to make me laugh, whether with a well-timed comic comment or a simple declaration of, “JAZZ HAND BUDDIES!” as she assumes the (jazz-handed) position and demands I do the same and then give her ten. It even happens when we’re not in the same room; I recently got this from her in an email as a reminder that no matter how stupid and mean she says I am, really, we’re okay.

Happy Love Thursday, everyone. What are you grateful for today?


  1. Otto



    PS – Them, too.

  2. Crisanne

    Mir, I pray for a few days of calm for you and your clan. May Thanksgiving be a time when you can know that those around you who love you most really are enough…and you are enough for them as well. May the few days of break in routine be just what you all need to reboot your mental computers. Oh, and don’t forget to put out the nibbler on Turkey Day. It’s even gluten free! :)

  3. Pamela L

    I am greatful for my family – even though we are all scattered about now, we stay close.

  4. KarenP

    I’m grateful for my family too, even though we won’t be spending Thanksgiving with any of them. My daughter is in Wisconsin, eldest son lives in New York, second son going off with the girlfriend. We are having a friend of my husband’s from work come over with his wife. They are bringing pies. Three of them for 4 of us! The friend insisted he wanted small slices of pumpkin, cherry and pecan. Since I am trying to maintain my 27 pound weight loss I will be sending the pies back home with them!

    Also, Mir I haven’t bought anything for the Thanksgiving dinner either.

    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. RuthWells

    Wishing for peaceful days for you.

    Also, that Otto’s a keeper.

    I’m grateful that my Dad will (KNOCK WOOD AND DON’T ANGER THE FATES) be with us for the holidays.

  6. elz

    Hope things calm down for you & yours. A bunch of carbs next week should make things better.

    I am ever thankful for my family, my girls and my husband who created them with me, our life, laughter, health, jobs, and plans. I’m thankful that my parents live near us and are a part of my kids’ lives. I am thankful that my sister in law is pregnant after a long battle with infertility. I am thankful for the super duper cheap pair of Cole Haan heels I found yesterday…What? It was getting a bit too deep…

  7. Alyce

    I am grateful for you, too, but in a non-creepy way. My boss bought “jazz apples” at the store earlier (for the kids’ snack – we work at a school) and we did jazz hands all day.

  8. Dsilkotch

    My kids; the postcard-lovely autumn we’re having this year; bloggers who remind me that I’m not alone in this parenting maze; pomegranates. The completely unforeseen development of my ex becoming way more of a helpful and reliable parenting partner since the divorce than he ever was during the marriage. (Now if only he and our son could figure out how to get along….) Oh, and this awesome shampoo I just discovered. Gratitude aplenty for shiny pretty hair.

  9. Tracy B

    I’m grateful today for an employer that allows us to celebrate Thanksgiving as one big (ok, huge) family. I’m also grateful that I have an employer! ;o)

  10. Beachgal

    I am grateful for the opportunity to travel to meet my new niece next week. Even though there will be stress of flying with a 7 year old for the first time.

  11. Barbara

    I’m grateful for first graders in construction paper turkey hats, singing their little hearts out for their families.

  12. Jean

    My amazing family…I love my boys (husband and son)

    And hoping your drama isn’t too scary and gets resolved in a positive way soon!

  13. Jessica Honecker

    I am grateful that my son is getting ready to turn 18 and he is a magnificient person.

  14. navhelowife

    For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth, over and around us lies…

  15. Katie in MA

    For the magic in the air at Christmastime, for the wicked humor of my 6 (going on 16) year old, for venti nonfat lattes, for the mischievous glint in my 4 year old’s eyes for the kindness of strangers, and that I learned to bake pie crusts like my mom did (does?) while she is still around to celebrate with me.

  16. Kristi

    So here is where I will lay it on, thick. YOU. I am grateful for you, who I don’t know. You make me smile and put things in such a way that it warms my heart. I am also grateful for my 4 punks that all together make me scream and laugh at the same time.

  17. Rachel

    Lots of things (I know i’m lucky) but I am just commenting to say Otto’s comment brought a tear to my eye…

  18. Karen

    OMG, could I love Otto any more? I’m sorry Mir. Can’t help myself… Love how he Loves YOU. So whatever is going on?… Hey, you got HIM in your corner. WOW. I mean wow.

    And he has you too. Clearly, he’s thankful too.

  19. Karen

    Oh, and I’m thankful for my familiy, for my dogs who forgive my stupidest slamming a tail in the door… and Harry & David cranberry relish, because it’s so good I dont’ have to make my own this year :-)

  20. Heather

    Haha I think I need to recruit a jazz-hand buddy! That’s great :)

  21. Nelson's Mama

    Today, great friends and the completely unexpected text that I got at 7:14 this morning that read: “Just wanted to say I have the best friends in the world”.

  22. annette

    I’m grateful that no matter how bad things may seem at times, it always works out by the grace of God. And, I am confident He is taking care of all of your concerns as well:).

  23. jessica

    My husband, with whom I do the “sci-five” (think Nimoy). I wouldn’t be nearly as good of a person as I am today without him in my life (don’t gag, and then think As Good As It Gets Yeah, I went there. ;) …except I’m a woman.)

  24. Lara

    I am feeling particularly grateful for my youngest son who is like a ray of sunshine in our lives with his incredibly sunny disposition, despite all the extra work and stress (currently being tested for extremely rare and disabling disease …).

    I am also grateful for you Mir, who makes me laugh and feel less alone with the daily parenting battles (my five year old has some similarities to each of your children when younger)!

    PS That Otto is a keeper ;)

  25. Dede Miller - founder

    I am grateful for my family, my career and my great friends. I am blessed to know so many great people in my life.

  26. ramblin red

    I am grateful for so many things – things I took for granted before but never will again. Mostly I am grateful for a husband who, on his birthday, didn’t care that I decided to destroy the house with my de-cluttering mission (it hurts before it gets better, right?) and that we are doing our own things now. That love that speaks in silence is so priceless!

  27. J from Ireland

    Otto’s comment made me cry.

  28. Megan

    ugh. It’s those behind-the-curtain dramas that are so very, very difficult. I’m glad you have such wonderful people back there with you to provide support and help and, obviously lots of love.

    Me, I’m grateful for being old enough to recognize happiness when I see it, and to take the time to appreciate it right then in the moment. And I’m grateful for the amazing, wonderful people in my life who so often are the cause of it!

  29. el-e-e

    I’m grateful for my last half-day Friday today (This Economy means they’re doing away with this lovely perk). One last Wonderful Half-Day-Friday.

  30. Lesley

    Oh–#11 Barbara, me too! I love that image!

    I am thankful for lungs that breathe deeply, legs that run and bend, a heart that beats strong!

  31. Therese

    I am grateful for the blessed life I lead, with a good family and a good job. I have all that I could ever ask for.
    Also, I have been doing this as a Facebook challenge since the early part of the month. While I have so many things to be thankful for, it really gets hard to think of something each and every day. I will be thankful when Thanksgiving comes, and I don’t have to strain my poor little brain every day!
    Have a wonderful turkey day!

  32. Nimble

    I am thankful for a co worker who laughs until she cries over this blog post about moving cross-country with dumb dogs. I am thankful for all the accents in the world. I second the thanks for pomegranates.

  33. Lori N

    I’m grateful that we get to spend the next week at my mom’s getting ready to feed 24+ for Thanksgiving. And that my mom is healing so well from her broken elbow 4 months ago. And…I’ll save the rest for the rest of the week.

  34. KMayer

    Grateful I’m hosting dinner next week, on deadline today, house is trashed, and don’t feel pressured to be perfect. Doing the best I can, and everybody is chipping in to help. Got good kids here, and am damn grateful about it.

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