Love in a vase

By Mir
August 24, 2006

Guess what? It’s time once again for Love Thursday.

Several of you have asked for this picture already, and I have to confess as to why I haven’t posted it earlier: My camera sucks. My baby, my SLR, has been broken and gone for repair for a loooong time, and my point-and-shoot is more of a point-and-blur. And I hate to post a photo that doesn’t do the subject justice, but this is the best I can do right now.

Anyway. Here’s my contribution for this week: The now-famous blue birthday orchids from Otto.


  1. Jenn

    I’ve never seen blue orchids, so pretty!

  2. Dee Dee

    Those are so beautiful!

  3. Catherine

    I love those!

  4. Irene

    beautiful, I’m so happy you’re participating!

  5. Abbey

    Wow! nice work, otto.

  6. chris

    Those are beautiful.

  7. rachel

    oh, so gorgeous!
    and thanks from a person who knows nothing about flowers, I couldn’t picture them in my head.

  8. DebR

    Wow! Those are amazing!!!

  9. Janice

    Beautiful flowers, also a great pictures. I too got flowers for my birthday (which was the 16th) but I got gerber daisy’s, my favorite.

  10. Heather

    Those are some of the prettiest flowers I have ever seen! Wow you are a lucky lady!

  11. InterstellarLass

    Oh they are very pretty! Pretty flowers for pretty Mir!

  12. Bob


  13. MMM

    I Googled those after you mentioned them and thought they were pretty. Can’t believe they’re still so beautiful after a week! That’s awesome! Otto has GOOD taste!

  14. Janis

    That Otto… he’s a keeper!

  15. Sara

    Wow! Way to go Otto! Those are some fancy blooms!

  16. Carol

    Those are fabulous!

  17. Briana

    I just came across Love Thursdays today and really like the whole idea. I’m in.
    And I agree, the flowers are lovely. Personally, I love orchids. Such delicate, stunning flowers.

  18. Brigitte

    ALMOST as puuuurty as you!

  19. Stacia

    Those are incredible!!! Just amazingly beautiful!!! If you decide you don’t want Otto anymore, can I have him?

  20. Boutros

    Ooh, neato. They remind me of sea anemones.

  21. Aimee

    Oh wow…those are just splendid! Even more beautiful than I had imagined. GOOD WORK, Otto!

  22. Liz

    oh, my goodness, they’re beautiful! thank you so much for posting a photo! tell otto he did well!

  23. cele

    Good job Otto! Late Happy Birthday Mir!

  24. Mary Tsao

    Beautiful flowers! He is one thoughtful man, allright.

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