At least the lawn will stay green

By Mir
June 23, 2006

Remember how I said I’d arranged for no rain? It was all good, and then I lost my mind and accepted an invitation for a 15-mile training walk at 7:00 tomorrow morning.

It is now pouring (and is forecast to continue through the weekend).

Me, I’m just sitting here listening to the rain… wondering just how badly 15 miles in a downpour is going to suck.

My guess is that the suckage will go all the way up to eleven! I’ll let you know.


  1. ben

    I would be very tempted just to stay home, wrapped perhaps in a comforter. But that’s just me…

  2. Cele

    I’m with Ben on this one…of course it’s not raining here and Arlo is looking at me begging for just a few blocks.

  3. Daisy

    Of course, you could always stay home and watch your brand new sump pump in action.

  4. tori

    I actually like running in the rain. Maybe it won’t suck as bad as you think. Or at least if it does, you will know never to do that again!

  5. Suburban Turmoil

    Down here where I am, I’d love to do my exercise in the rain. Because it wouldn’t be so damn hot. But I know where you’re coming from… with your writing, I mean, not physically. I’m not like, stalking you or anything.

    Okay, well bye.

  6. Kailani

    I love to run in the rain. Maybe because it hardly ever rains here. Hope it wasn’t too awful!

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