Live from the House of Pop-Tarts

By Mir
August 10, 2016

We move Chickadee into her dorm tomorrow. TOMORROW. Today is taking approximately 593 hours, in case you were wondering, but also she is not done packing because GEEZ MOM IN A MINUTE. As for me, about a month ago I bought a case of Pop-Tarts from Amazon as part of Operation Stock The Dorm With Snacks—this was a moment of weakness, as I am staunchly anti-toaster-pastry and found them gross even when I could still eat wheat—and hid it in the back of the pantry. BUT THEN. The pediatrician got on my case about Monkey being so skinny, so I dug out a couple of boxes and suggested he snack on them, and then suddenly most of the case was gone because it turns out that both of my children are addicted to Pop-Tarts. Hence yesterday’s emergency grocery trip to buy MORE Pop-Tarts. (Did you know that if you type Pop-Tarts enough times it stops looking like words? True story.)

So. Chickadee and her Pop-Tart stash move in tomorrow. Yesterday was Monkey’s first day of school. And you know what that means:


Please enjoy this picture, not just because my PRESHUSSSS WIDDLE BABYKINS is apparently part Yeti, but because this shoe photo is the end of an era. It’s the last shoe photo for the last first day, because he just started the last senior year.

(How did this happen??? I blame Pop-Tarts.)


  1. jenna

    My almost 13 also sports very hairy legs. it’s weird, because his father is not hairy. Here’s to a great last year, Monkey, and a great first year, Chickadee!!!

  2. OnlyThis

    You know, I’ve been reading your blog for what seems like eons, and I can’t believe your kiddos are nearly all grown up. Where have the years gone, I ask you?!?

  3. AlisonC

    I refuse to believe that those men’s feet belong to Monkey! After all he is about 9 right?

    Good luck to you all for a wonderful year ahead. I am so happy you got here

    • Meg

      Yeah, he’s about 9. Definitely no older than 10!

  4. Laura Duggan

    I’d love to see a retrospective of all of the feet pictures!

  5. Annie

    Laura Duggan beat me to it. We need a feet retrospective !!

    • Kim

      Right with you, ladies!

  6. Lauren

    SO excited for Chickadee. You made it!

  7. Jeanie

    Cool shoes, Monkey!

  8. Arnebya

    I’ve tried, but I just never really liked Pop Tarts. First, I must have it toasted, but I don’t like the ends hard, so I pretty much just eat the middle. And it can’t be frosted because ew. And only strawberry or blueberry I JUST DON’T BUY THEM ANYMORE.

    To think of how much your family has come through, these milestones are fantastic.

  9. Holly

    I started reading your blog when shoe pictures were of cute, itty bitty shoes. This picture choked me up. Time goes by too fast. :-(

  10. The Other Leanne

    This day came zooming up out of nowhere and grabbed us all by the throat, I think. But then, I found this blog through Yahoo Pick of the Day and look what happened there. Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis.

  11. ChristyB

    thinking about you today….you got this. Hope it is wonderful!!

  12. Jan in Norman OK

    I recently saw Maple-Bacon flavored Pop-Tarts in the store. Something, somewhere, has gone terribly wrong…

  13. Chris

    Happy first day of school! And last first day of school :(

    The definition of bittersweet

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