Just a friendly reminder

By Mir
January 21, 2014
Category Friends

While I’m not fond of the old trope about moms always putting themselves last, a large part of the reason I dislike it is because—for me, anyway—it tends to be true. Thank goodness I have friends who sometimes drag me out of the house. I hear it’s even good for a person to do that! So I’m over at Alpha Mom today with a few words about my Village and how much I appreciate it.

And as long as you’re over there, last week I rounded up some of our favorite soup recipes, which you may find useful as this second round of Arctic weather hits us.

Friendship or soup; take your pick.


  1. Martha


  2. Martha

    Part two … you! Because I am a nimnose and pushed too many buttons at one time! Great to see you!

    • Mir

      You are not a nimnose!! Great to see you, too. Let’s not wait so long, next time.

  3. Lulu

    Ha! I think it’s friendship AND soup — all around!
    Cheers and keep warm!

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