From grumpy to thankful

By Mir
November 20, 2012

I’ve had a bit of an outlook shift in the last few weeks. It kind of snuck up on me, and it definitely wasn’t a linear progression, and I’m sure I may yet falter and/or regress. Nonetheless: I am a happier person than I used to be, because I’m tired of being sad.

Does this mean I will no longer regale you with verbose whining about the inconsequential, annoying minutiae in my life? Of course not; hyperbole is never going to cease to entertain me. But in the purest sense of where I’m at? I’m grateful for the good, and better able to see the not-so-good as sucky, sure, but not the be-all and end-all of my existence.

It turns out to be very freeing. So I thought it only fitting to share more about it this week, before I break another bone on preparing Thanksgiving dinner. (Kidding! I hope!) Come on over to Feel More Better to read about the secret I discovered. Spoiler: It’s not really a secret.


  1. CuriousCat

    You being happier makes me feel happier. Glad, very glad, to hear it.

    I’d start singing “Happy days are here again” but I fear it would cause you to backslide (my singing is THAT bad).

  2. Lucinda

    Hooray for learning lessons, even if the journey there sucks. Happy thanksgiving to my favorite blogger.

  3. Kim

    Your tone definitely seems lighter these days. Not that you didn’t have plenty going on, but I did notice, and I have been happy for you, and hopeful that this means Chickadee is doing well. You deserve some happy!

  4. Daisy

    I’m with you. Some days it’s harder to put on the rose-colored glasses, but it’s worth the effort. I am aching right now from yet another test (an EMG – I hope you don’t need one), but I’m feeling good that the stroke-that- wasn’t-a-stroke didn’t do any cognitive damage. The only effects, serious though they are, are physical.

    Deep breath: keep calm, and blog on.

  5. Sharon

    Through all the big events of this year I never thought you were whining. Each time you picked yourself off, dusted yourself off, and started all over again. I saw how you were managing to stay afloat. I think your change in perspective is a Thanksgiving bonus:) Have a happy and safe holiday ~

  6. Elizabeth

    You know what? I’m happy you can type again. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. laura

    I’m not sure when my burdens shifted into the blessings column. But that is where I am today. At some point in time, I hope the same happens for you

    Happy Thanksgiving MIr.

  8. Heather

    I <3 you.

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