You know what to do

By Mir
November 6, 2012

If you’re an American, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what today is, or what you need to go do. Instead, I’m over at Feel More Better revealing my embarrassment about how I wish I’d learned to love voting sooner. I can’t change the past, so I’ll just be deeply grateful that I figured it out (and was able to get out and vote today). You do it too, okay? Thanks.


  1. Mary K. in Rockport

    We went, we did. We are beset with anxiety about outcomes. I wish I could be anesthetized for a few days until it’s over – unless it drags on like it did in 2000.

  2. Lynda M O

    Sealed and mailed two weeks ago. Vote early. Vote often.

  3. CuriousCat

    I voted early this morning. I live in Ohio and I have NEVER felt more wanted, more desired than during this election. Two men want me and only one can have me. But, they both fought hard for me (if by “fought”, we can imply being slammed with ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, campaign stops, ads, ads, ads, mailed flyers, ads, ads, ads and ads). In the immortal (literally) words of the Highlander, “There can be only one.”

  4. Jessica

    I put this on FMB as well, but I thought I’d post it over here, too:

    I will be voting as soon as my husband gets home. My father has impressed upon me from a young age the importance of voting. I don’t think that he does it because I’m a woman (or a girl, when he first started talking to me about voting), but I always feel like I carry the weight of being a woman who is legally able to vote on my shoulders. (I truly think my dad just realizes that voting isn’t a right everywhere and for everyone, and he just feels strongly about this privilege we Americans have.) Do I feel like voting this year? Not really. I am so fed up with politics (as in the game of politics, not the real-life outcomes of what politics should be), but I’m going to do it and do a good job of it (i.e. I’ve done my research even though I didn’t really want to ;~) )

    Also, I really just want a good election for once in my adult life. My first presidential election as a voter was 2000, so…. I will say, however, that I remember it distinctly and I was SO EXCITED to fill out my absentee ballot (I was in college, too.) It’s amazing what power a piece of paper can seem to hold when you’re 20.

  5. Kate Sampson

    Not a comment on this post- just a note to say I just finished reading, Look Me In the Eye: My Life with Asperger’s by John Elder Robinson. I found it entertaining, somewhat insightful, but most of all encouraging in it’s positive view of Asperger’s. Perhaps you and even Monkey have read it. If not, you might want to check it out. I’m thinking Monkey might enjoy it – and feel good about his gifts and potential.

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