Rated PG-13…

By Mir
April 5, 2011

… which stands for, “Please, God, help us both survive 13….”

My post today over at Off Our Chests is one that contains frank discussion of body parts and some strong language. Please skip it if that’s going to be disturbing for you, or if you’re my father (ahem).

Sometimes I embarrass my kid by accident, and then I don’t blog about it, because I figure that’s just adding insult to injury. And then sometimes later on she turns to me out of the blue and says, “Hey, did you ever blog about that thing? Because it was kind of funny.” And then I can write about it, some, but I still have to be sure to honor those lines around her experience; share my story without encroaching on hers, even though she’s part of mine. It gets more complicated every day. But then, doesn’t everything?

I hope you’ll come read about our vagina adventure (oh the spam I’m going to attract with that phase!), which is actually a lot more about what I hope my daughter thinks than it is about anatomy.


  1. Hally

    Oh Mir, I’m over here cackling with my computer screen. :) I have no idea how we will cope with this conversation. We have boys, so I’m sure I’ll be having it sooner than I expect, but I do love your candor.

    Happy Tuesday.

  2. Jenn C.

    That is an awesome story, and totally the kind of thing I would do with my daughter too.

    In my house growing up, we NEVER talked about sex. EVER. I thank god I grew up in a state that prioritized getting kids the facts over any issues of “morality” or shame. I’m working really hard to make sure that I DO talk about it with my daughter – I want her to know what she needs, and to know that she can come and talk to me about anything.

  3. Debbi

    Awesome post! I am so glad you took her to see it. She is very lucky to have a mom that is willing to talk about this and make her feel confident about herself :-)

  4. dad

    Against your advice, I read the post…but then you knew I would.

    You also may remember that back in your singing and acting days I tried not to miss any of your performances. Next year, when you are in this play, I’ll be there. I don’t know if I’ll be able to sit with Chicadee but I will be beaming at your delivery of very frank dialogue.

  5. Beth R

    “Sometimes I embarrass my kid by accident, and then I don’t blog about it, because I figure that’s just adding insult to injury.”

    As opposed to the times when you embarrass her intentionally and then share it with us? :)

    Great post!

  6. Karen

    My parents NEVER EVER talked about sex or any body parts that had anything to do with sex… which is really sad and I’m sure drove us to figure it out for ourselves earlier than we could have. Although I was still a late bloomer compared to most I’ve talked to. Ah well.

    I think frank talk is best – The V monologues.. well.. you have a bigger set than me, that’s for sure. :-)

  7. The Mommy Therapy

    Ok, I just read your father’s comment and it made me cry.

    I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that my baby kept me up all night last night and I’m starting my period tomorrow, but it was so sweet.

    What amazing support. I have a Dad like that too. Thank God for good Dads.

  8. ben

    You are a brilliant writer. And my daughter is totally coming to live with you when she gets a little older.

  9. Heather

    I knew your Dad would read it anyway ;-)

  10. Nancy

    What a great post.
    My mom gave me the basics about periods, but shied away from talking about sex. No surprise there- when she went to a very religious private college in the 60s, she thought you could get pg by kissing a boy in a swimming pool or by dancing too close. She actually had wool panels sewn into the fronts of her skirts as “protection” while dancing. I was a voracious reader and checked out every book I could get my hands on and educated myself when I was about 13. I think/hope I will be prepared to do “the talk’ with my own kids! I’d like them to feel comfortable to ask questions and talk about the emotional side of all of it with me and DH. Thanks for being willing to write so honestly about a tough topic.

  11. Jill W.

    I <3 your dad. : )

  12. chantelle

    great story! my mother didnt like talking about anything, not even periods. i found out about that through school, friends, and having an older sister. sex was definitly not a topic she would discuss. i have always discussed things with my kids as honestly as possible. when they were younger if i didnt think they were old enough for certain things i told them it wasnt age appropriate. i think its best to be open with your kids and let them know they can come to you to talk about things like that. its so much better then them getting misinformed from other kids who may not have the right answers.

  13. Alicia

    I loved that post! I snarfed my coffee laughing, but it made a great point amidst all that humour. I am starting early with my own daughter (she’s 7), answering every question truthfully (she doesn’t want kids now, as babies are either cut from you or come out of your vagina!), which is not how I was raised (babies come from eggs (not altogether untrue), and then school will handle everything else about sex ed).

    I am curious what the other mother said after the show….was it the same as with her daughter? Ie nothing?

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