Happy Mother’s Day!

By Mir
May 9, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day to all my pals out there who:
1) are moms
2) love moms
3) have a mom. (I’m pretty sure that gets everyone.)

I started off my day with breakfast in bed, because somehow I ended up admitting that I’d never had breakfast in bed before and Otto made it his mission to make sure that’s what I got. So I did. It involved a lot of bacon. And this:

See, the kids each made me cards with bonus stuff in ’em, and Otto got me a book about produce, because—despite my bacony breakfast—I actually wanted a book about Farmer’s Markets, because I am just that sort of wild and crazy. Woo!

Monkey knows that my favorite number is 13, so all of my coupons from him involve 13s.

(It would be greedy to wish I’d gotten only 13 compost runs but 1313 minutes of calmness, right? I was afraid of that.)

Chickadee, on the other hand, is often told, “Don’t be sad, Emo Kid!” and so she made me this lovely Emo Kid to… ummm… remind me that it could be worse? I think.

(That’s exactly the sort of Emo Kid Chickadee is, by the way. All sad and emo, yet also purple and glittery. Confusing!)

In short, I find this an excellent day to be a mom, and I think I shall keep these kids, because they are highly entertaining.

Here’s to 13 minutes of pure purple sparkly bliss for you today, too.


  1. Jess

    13 undisturbed naps is a pretty awesome present, I have to say.

    Will Monkey keep track? My kid totally would. Heh.

  2. Mike Golch

    happy Mother’s day.

  3. Jean

    Did Chicky draw that picture?? Immense talent if she did. I’m impressed. Best wishes to you on Mother’s Day. I got some lovely things, but the best was the letter from my days away from turning 13 y.o. who told me that I understood her. Sigh. That one is definitely a keeper.

    Now go check out some produce stands.

  4. Karen

    Happy Mother’s Day Mir. Love the cards and coupons!!..

  5. Crista

    Awesome gifts! Happy Mother’s Day Mir!

  6. Lisa

    I had breakfast in bed today too! a righteous start to the day. And a present of flower seedlings from my little first-grade loveball. Hope the remainder of your Mother’s Day has been as grand.

  7. Amy

    I was SUPPOSED to have breakfast in bed but a certain almost four year old in the house decided she needed mama to come play with her in her bed RIGHT NOW! At 6:30. Oh, well. So we played and then all went out for a lovely breakfast at one of our favorite bakeries.

  8. RuthWells

    Chickie is very talented! Happy mother’s day to us all.

  9. Melissa

    Happy Mother’s Day!

  10. MomCat

    Those are the best cards! Happy Mother’s Day!

  11. Sheila

    Happy Mother’s Day to a woman who helps me be a better mom. Thanks for all the sharing.

    P.S. Don’t use up all of those Calmness Minutes at once!

  12. Heather

    Happy Mothers Day! :)

  13. Mare Martell

    Happy Mother’s Day Mir.
    I got a card from the child I got custody of 5 weeks ago that said, “Love from your new son” and he told me that I’m the best mom he ever had. He followed that up with, “…and I’ve had like 5 of them.”

    Although I didn’t get breakfast in bed with fantastic coupons to use at will, I actually got to enjoy my first Mother’s Day.

  14. elz

    What an awesome Mother’s Day. I love Chickie’s Emo kid!

  15. Cele

    Happy Mother’s Day, Mir! hmmm, breakfast in bed, with bacon, now that rocks.

  16. Lady M

    13 minutes of calmness sounds pretty blissful. Happy Mother’s Day to you (a little late)!

  17. Megan

    Mad props to Chickie for her sparkly purple emo kid. I had one of those for whom we were going to invent a fabulous new toy: Emo Elmo. He slumps around and growls to the tune of M.C. Hammer’s Can’t Touch That only with the lyric: Don’t Touch Me!

    We’re planning on following that up with our own line of cuddly toys – the Despair Bears.

  18. joaaanna

    Happy Mama Day to you Mir! (Wow – Chickie is VERY talented!)

  19. Katie in MA

    I had no idea Chickie could draw like that – so impressed! I’m even more impressed with the creative coupons: naps, compost runs, minutes of calm…your kids are very inventive. I must teach my girls the coupon tricks (although my dandelions and Easy Bake Oven cakelet were very nice, too).

  20. Tracy

    That Mother’s Day gift is priceless. See, it’s the little things that mean the most!

  21. 12tequilas

    The kids and I are totally stealing this idea for Father’s Day!!!

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