Shhh, I’m working

By Mir
February 19, 2010
Category Growing | Job? Huh?

I’m not here right now; I’m at Mom 2.0, about to go sit on a panel about Business Strategy. (I know, I know… I’m not sure how that happened, either.)

In the meantime, I’ve finally unveiled the key to my success over at Five Full Plates, and you might be surprised to find out what it is. I know I was. But hey, I’m not arguing. Yesterday I took off my jeans without unbuttoning them—hard to not love THAT.


  1. Half Assed Kitchen

    Elastic? Just kidding. You go on be on that panel! Wish I could see it.

  2. Nicki

    Wow…to both. With a backside like mine, even at my fighting weight I never could have pulled that off. Literally. Dying to hear about the conference!

  3. Dalia (Generation X Mom)

    Congrats on the milestone! Milestones like this are the best…I know!

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