Love is thankful

By Mir
November 26, 2009

Today I am thankful for many, many things—for my family, near and far, for a houseful of love and laughter, for a table about to be loaded up with delicious food, for a husband who silently worked around me as I wrecked the kitchen this morning, cleaning up after me before I even had a chance to ask him to.

And I would like it noted for the record that even in a time of hormones and angst, I am particularly thankful for a daughter who insists on—and creates—fancy napkins.


Happy Love Thursday, happy Thanksgiving, and I hope you and yours have fancy napkins (real or metaphorical) today, too.


  1. Dave

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. Kaedra

    Happy Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Otto, Chickie, Monkey and Licorice!

  3. Crista

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I love the napkins!

  4. Half Assed Kitchen

    That Chickadee has mad folding skillz! Happy T-Day to you all.

  5. Jomama

    Very nice indeed. What a lovely welcome to your place at dinner.

  6. Beachgal

    Have a fabulous meal. Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. meghann

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    We were totally fancy. My daughter’s birthday was last weekend, and we still had the horse decorations hanging from the dining room light while we ate. I know y’all are jealous.

  8. Karen

    Happy thanksgiving to you and yours :-)

  9. Aimee

    Wow — I am very impressed by Miss Chickadee’s napkin-folding skills.

    Happy Love Thursday — and Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Megan

    Happy thanksgiving – and Chickie totally beats me. I only know how to fold the ‘bird of paradise’ which, along with tray twirling, was pretty much all I learned from waitressing.

  11. Nicki

    Dang, we pulled paper napkins out of the cupboard and dumped them rather unceremoniously on the table for everyone to grab on their way around the buffet. You guys probably all had chairs, too. Our wild crazy bohemian ways…

    So glad you had a strong support staff for the big meal. Happy Thanksgiving! (I’m thankful that you had time to create a Love Thursday post on this auspicious occasion.)

  12. Jamie

    Hope it was a great day! Chickie’s a talented napkin sculptor!

  13. joaaanna

    Well Fancy Napkins are extra special! Happy Turkey Day! Gobble, gobble!

  14. Lady M

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I hope you had the opportunity to enjoy many excellent baked goods today.

  15. liz

    Happy Thanksgiving! I need Chickadee to show me how to do that. I’ve always wanted to learn.

  16. Sometimes Saintly Nick

    Hope you had a grand Thanksgiving Day and are having a fun weekend.

  17. Daisy

    Lovely! We switched to cloth and never looked back, but we haven’t done any fancy folding. You could loan us the Chickie some holiday, maybe.

  18. Lylah

    Happy Thanksgiving, Mir!

  19. Cele

    Happy Turkey day – one late. Could Chickie give napkin folding classes? That looks kewl.

  20. Heather

    Gotta love having a sous chef to clean up after you!

  21. All the way from California

    Nice Chicky….very very nice. :)

    and I agree with Cele…can we have a napkin folding tutorial?

  22. Katie in MA

    Awwww! I can’t decide if Chickie’s napkins look more like flowers or REALLY fancy chef hats!

    Hope your Thanksgiving was delicious and delightful!

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