
By Mir
August 19, 2009
Category Job? Huh? | Woohoo!

Excuse me for a moment, but I feel the need to share this because I’m just so darn excited about it.

With all of the moaning and groaning in the blogosphere about ethics and integrity and “blogola,” I feel like it’s an old refrain that everyone is in charge of their own choices and knowing what allows them to sleep at night, etc. I get offered a lot of stuff I don’t take. Last time I checked, there was no law stating you were obligated to accept everything offered to you.

On the other hand, sometimes amazing opportunities come along. And I just finished up doing some (paid, yes—and fully disclosed as such) work that resulted in me winning a big donation for my local library. I’m pretty jazzed about it. No; I’m ECSTATIC about it. Don’t tell me the blogworld is selfish and corrupt. There’s power here that gets harnessed for awesome things.

Know your boundaries. Be clear on what matters to you. Conduct yourself professionally. And then do a little dance when the Good Stuff happens.

It works for me.


  1. Jen

    Yay You! And your library!

  2. Summer

    It is worth bragging about. Congratulations on a job well done!

    Of course, your new appliances are pretty awesome, too.

  3. ben


  4. Em

    Danceworthy indeed! Congrats!

  5. Corey

    As a librarian, thank you, Mir and good job!

  6. mamabird

    That’s great that your library will get the books! Congrats.

  7. Jamie

    Woo hoo, Mir!

  8. dad

    Yeah Mir
    Yeah Mir
    Yeah yeah Mir!

    You have a future in philanthropy.

  9. Sheila


  10. Tarrant

    Yay! I am so proud of you Mir! I know you worked hard and what a blessing for the library.

  11. Janet

    hip hip hooray! thank you thank you thank you!!!

  12. Karen

    Oh how Great! As a Librarian I know just how much that means. It is not just a drop in the bucket, it makes that bucket look half full now rather than half empty! Thank you!

  13. elswhere

    Another librarian chiming in to say yay yay yay and congratulations!

  14. Heather

    Awesome!!! Great work Mir! :)

  15. Crisanne

    So very, very glad you won!

  16. Neil

    That is so cool. I owe libraries the bulk of my education. Before the advent of mega-book stores and the internet, I would live in the library, and take home ten books at a time (the limit). Can’t think of anything more important that libraries.

  17. Tracy

    The power of beggin’. =o)

  18. Angela

    Good for you, and your library! I spent most of my summers as a kid tucked into a nook at my local library.

    Great work!

  19. Dawn

    Well said. I love when people realize the simplicity of the big picture. Congrats on the donation, how exciting!

  20. Megan

    Fan-diddly-tastic! (which I have never, ever said before. Not sure what caused it now…)

    Talk about using your powers for good!

  21. Meri

    That’s wonderful!

  22. Katie in MA

    And all of the blogosphere is dancing with you. :) Good on you, girl!

  23. Mom

    A big attagirl to my talented girl.

  24. Sara

    Just saw the news on Want Not. Yippee! I think that’s some of the best news I’ve heard in awhile. You’re the bee’s knees, Mir!

  25. Alison

    That’s wonderful!

  26. Suzy Voices

    That’s awesome. I love the library SO much. Couldn’t live without it. Thanks for being such a good Doobie.

  27. Katie

    You rock! As the daughter and sister of two over-worked and under-appreciated librarians, any one who helps them out deserves a standing ovation! *claps*

  28. Aimee

    This is so COOL! Anything that results in more books for kids is awesome in my book. Yay, you!

  29. Nicki

    You’re a rock star!

  30. dr aletta

    “Know your boundaries. Be clear on what matters to you. Conduct yourself professionally. And then do a little dance when the Good Stuff happens.” Mind if I quote you? I love it. And congratulations on your reward!

  31. annette

    Good for you! You already had a start in philanthropy providing me free therapy via the internet:).

  32. Dawn

    Yay! Way to go, Mir!

  33. Javamom

    See? When I’m having a crappy day I should read happy posts from Mir!

  34. Half Assed Kitchen

    That’s amazing. And, in all honesty, you’e the blogger I admire most for your professionalism and heart. You seem to stay above a lot of the crazy fray.

  35. Mama Coyote

    That’s AWESOME! Thank you for being one of the cool people :D

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